
French and Indian war

By ghealey
  • England settles atlantic coast

    England settles atlantic coast
    England starts to settle the Atlantic coast. They start to claim land that France claims and it will later lead to a dispute. It will soon cause the French and Indian war.
  • French create trading posts in Canada

    French create trading posts in Canada
    The French start creating their North American Empire by creating Fur Trade Post outlets. They need the lands for furs so the can have a good economic system going.
  • France and England both calim Ohio river valley and parts of Canada

    France and England both calim Ohio river valley and parts of Canada
    The French and English start to fight about land claims. THis is one of the starts to the French and Indian war.
  • Washington takes 150 Virginians to victory in an exploritory party

    Washington takes 150 Virginians to victory in an exploritory party
    Washington ventures into the Frontier and meet the French. Washington and his 150 men explore new territory. They kill some French soliders and settlers
  • The Albany congress of New England

    The Albany congress of New England
    Reprensentatives came from seven British colonial states to discuss a treaty with the Mowhawks. They came from Connecticut, Massachuesetts, Maryland, New York, New Hampsire, Rhode Island and Pennslyvania. They would attempt to persuade the Mowhawks to help them fight the French. Ben Franklin used the snake to show the people that they should unite and they will be stronger to defeat the French.
  • General Washington attacks Fort Duqusne

    General Washington attacks Fort Duqusne
    General Washington attacks Fort Duquesne to take it but he fails and the French win the first battle there. General Braddock will later attack it and he will lose too. It is a strong Fort that the British could take and increase their territory. It will really help the British if they take it.
  • George Washington Surrenders Fort Necessity

    George Washington Surrenders Fort Necessity
    George Washington surrenders Fort Necessity after losing to the French in a poorly constructed fort. This fort was in the middle of a swamp where cannons could fire off the hills at him.
  • General Edward Braddock dies

    General Edward Braddock dies
    General Braddock was a person who was fighting for the English. He had a problem though, he fought with tactics that would be used in an open field and his armies were torn apart by the French. That cost him his life when he should be enforcing guerilla warfare among the British. Braddock is the guy in the middle by the tree.
  • Braddock is defeated at Fort Duquesne

    Braddock is defeated at Fort Duquesne
    General Braddock is defeated by the French at Fort Duquesne when he tries to take the river. Fort Duqusne was a good fort to take because you could control the river and ship supplies to your army.
  • Hendrick and Johnson win at Lake George

    Hendrick and Johnson win at Lake George
    The Indian Cheif Hendrick and Baronet Johnson defeat the French in a battle at Lake George. Hendrick And Johnson blend well together they should be running England because they knew each others side and they could end or stop the war quicker. They also would help the Indians get the respect they needed for joining the colonists and British.
  • 6,000 Acadians are expelled from Nova Scotia

    6,000 Acadians are expelled from Nova Scotia
    6,000 Acadians are expelled after refusing to swear loyalty to the British. After the take control of Nova Scotia. The British took Nova Scotia and a big part of land in upper Canada. They also had the St. Lawrence river under their control so they could send things down it.
  • Britian declares war on France

    Britian declares war on France
    The British government declare war on the French eventhough they have been fighting for a while. The British declared a war on France eventhough they have been fighting a guerilla war in North America.
  • French take Fort William Henry

    French take Fort William Henry
    The French take the Fort William Henry from the British.
  • William Pitt becomes Prime Minister

    William Pitt becomes Prime Minister
    William Pitt did not like the Indians or people who liked them like William Johnson. He got an idea to put small pox in red blankets so they would get sick and die. He agreed that the only indian is a dead one. He was one of the people that hated them.
  • French take Fort Ticonderoga

    French take Fort Ticonderoga
    Fench capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British which will be used in the Revolutionary war. The French have captured yet another British fort.
  • British win Battle of Quebec

    British win Battle of Quebec
    The British climbed up the hill behind fort Quebec and beat the French. They took a vital fort for from the French because they controled the River where the could send supplies and troops down the river and take out enemy ships coming down. But both General Wolfe and General Montcalm were killed in the battle.
  • English capture Montreal

    English capture Montreal
    The Brirish are gaining a lot of territory and they are getting closer to the end of the war. Montreal was sort of close to Quebec so they are advancing down through Canada.
  • The Paris Treaty is signed

    The Paris Treaty is signed
    The French signed the treaty and the British won the war and they got all of the French's land. In the map England got the all of the green territory. France was then kicked off North America except for two little fishing islands.