Think 1750 - 1918

  • Period: to

    1750 - 1918

  • Captain Cook Discovers Australia

    Captain Cook Discovers Australia
    Captain Cook finds the Land 'Australia' and claims it for the Brittish Empire.
  • American War Of Independance

    American War Of Independance
    Lasted until 3rd Septmeber 1783, a war between the colonized Americans and the Brittish Empire, won by the Americans
  • Signing of the declaration of Independance

    Signing of the declaration of Independance
    Signed by the founding fathers which included: George Wadshington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Several other important political figures
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet
    The first fleet departs from england and takes a 277 day journey to the newly found land
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    Napoleons grande Armee invades Russia with over half a million soldiers from over 7 different nations. Napoleons men retreated durring the winter as it was too cold a cliimate for his soldiers to endure.
  • Napoleon Is Exiled

    Napoleon Is Exiled
    Napoleon was Eciled to Elba under a treaty where he was still able to retain a emperor status, he was moved apart from his family and eventually started a militia in elba with a navy, and army.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    In January 1848, James Wilson Marshall discovered gold while constructing a saw mill along a river, he soon reported this to local newspapers and started a small stir which soon grew.
  • Australian Gold Rush

    Australian Gold Rush
    In 1851, Edward Hargraves discovered a grain of gold in a waterhole near Bathurst. He soon told the Authorities and thus the mad gold rush starts.
  • Americian Civil War

    Americian Civil War
    A war between Southern and Northern America mainly based on opposing views of slavery. Ended 10th May 1865, North America wins
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The unsinkable sinks on its maiden voyage while chartering the pacific, kills over 1500
  • World War 1 starts

    World War 1 starts
    One of the greatest wars in history begins with the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
  • World War One Ends

    World War One Ends
    Ends with Germany and its allies coming to a distasteful defeat