Themes in World History--SM

  • Period: 1894 BCE to 539 BCE

    Babylonian Kingdom

  • 1750 BCE

    Hammurabi- GOVERNMENT

    Hammurabi- GOVERNMENT
    "an eye for an eye is the key to achieving equality"
  • 800 BCE

    Lycurgus- GOVERNMENT

    Lycurgus- GOVERNMENT
    "Sparta is stronger than Athens"
  • Period: 753 BCE to 476

    Ancient Rome

  • Period: 480 BCE to 404 BCE

    Athenian Golden Age

  • 431 BCE

    Pericles- GOVERNMENT

    Pericles- GOVERNMENT
    "Only men should be involved in government"
  • 350 BCE

    Aristotle- EQUALITY

    Aristotle- EQUALITY
    "Social hierarchy is natural. People are always going to want more. Why get rid of something natural?"
  • Period: 202 BCE to 9


  • 100 BCE

    Polybius- GOVERNMENT

    Polybius- GOVERNMENT
    "Monarchy is a rigged form of government because that one leader could use their power to their personal advantage"
  • 100 BCE

    Wu of Han- GOVERNMENT

    Wu of Han- GOVERNMENT
    "The key to a successful government is achieving the mandate of heaven"
  • 42 BCE


    Why are women's rights selective?
  • Period: 1121 to 1269

    Almohad Caliphate

    Kingdom of Almohad Ruled North Africa and Spain
  • 1169

    Ibn Rushd-GENDER

    Ibn Rushd-GENDER
    "Women should be given the same opportunities as men"
  • 1200

    Muawiyah I- GOVERNMENT

    Muawiyah I- GOVERNMENT
    "awe is the key to winning over the people and having them obey"
  • Period: 1206 to 1294

    Mongol Empire

  • 1247

    Genghis Khan- EQUALITY

    Genghis Khan- EQUALITY
    "The Mongols are above people from other nations regardless of the titles they hold"
  • Period: 1438 to 1572

    Inca Empire

  • Period: 1517 to

    European Reformation

  • 1540

    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui- EQUALITY

    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui- EQUALITY
    "Everyone is equal. Even the lords and nobles plow the fields along with the regular people"
  • 1575

    Queen Nzinga of Ndongo-GENDER

    Queen Nzinga of Ndongo-GENDER
    "violence solves nothing"
  • Period: 1575 to

    Portugese Empire in Africa

  • Elizabeth I of England-GENDER

    Elizabeth I of England-GENDER
    "I put trust in my people and god"
  • Period: to

    EDO Period in Japan

  • Tokugawa Ieyasu- EQUALITY

    Tokugawa Ieyasu- EQUALITY
    "Social hierarchy should exist to have a well balanced society and part of that means people should stay in their respective roles"
  • Period: to

    Romanov dynasty rules Russia

  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty in China

  • Period: to

    Reign of Louis XIV


    "Catholicism is the best religion and everyone should be Catholic"
  • Period: to

    European Enlightenment

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Czar Catherine the Great- GENDER

    Czar Catherine the Great- GENDER
    "women are capable of being strong leaders"
  • Mary Wollstonecraft-GENDER

    Mary Wollstonecraft-GENDER
    "women are more than what they seem to be"
  • Karl Marx- EQUALITY

    Karl Marx- EQUALITY
    "The Bourgeois creates a rigged society for everyone else. Everybody should be equal".
  • Roger Taney- EQUALITY

    Roger Taney- EQUALITY
    "Social Hierarchy needs to exist between races. Black people are less than human and do not deserve rights"
  • Period: to

    First Wave Feminism

  • Period: to

    European Imperialism

  • Period: to

    British Rule in Egypt

  • Andrew Carnegie- EQUALITY

    Andrew Carnegie- EQUALITY
    "Social hierarchy between the rich and the poor is good. However, the rich should donate some of their wealth to give back to the community and help the poor".
  • Qiu Jin- GENDER

    Qiu Jin- GENDER
    "Women shouldn't just do nothing if their family is suffering. Women should be able to study to get an education to get a good career to support their family like a man does"
  • Violet Carruthers- GENDER

    Violet Carruthers- GENDER
    "Women should not have the right to vote nationally. Most women don't even want to. Women can vote in the regional elections. That's what their skills are better suited for
  • Huda Sha'arawi- GENDER

    Huda Sha'arawi- GENDER
    "The Sharia supports Women's rights. The Quran never states that Women have to wear veils. Stop letting men control you"
  • Una Marson-GENDER

    Una Marson-GENDER
    Black Women are powerful
  • B.R. Ambedkar- EQUALITY

    B.R. Ambedkar- EQUALITY
    "The caste system is rigged. Nobody is able to move up. The low caste people should convert to Buddhism to end their suffering"
  • Nelson Mandela- EQUALITY

    Nelson Mandela- EQUALITY
    "Apartheid is limiting to black people. Black people deserve justice. Everyone should be equal".
  • Period: to

    Apartheid Rule in South Africa

  • Lyndon Johnson- EQUALITY

    Lyndon Johnson- EQUALITY
    "Discrimination should not occur based on rase, gender, or social status"
  • Malcom X- EQUALITY

    Malcom X- EQUALITY
    "Rights for African Americans are the most important thing to me"
  • Period: to

    Indira Gandhi Prime Minister of India

  • Indira Gandhi- GOVERNMENT

    Indira Gandhi- GOVERNMENT
    "A good leader is one that helps strengthen their country
  • Period: to

    Khmer Rouge Regime

  • Pol Pot- EQUALITY

    Pol Pot- EQUALITY
    "violence is the answer for all fighting"