The Wonderful Life of Sydnie Zeeryp (2001-Present)

By sydzee
  • The start

    April of 2001 I'm born a tad early en route to the hospital.
  • State of the Union

    State of the Union
    President Bush vows to expand the fight on terrorism, labeling Iran, Iraq, and North Korea "an axis of evil."
  • We move to the UP

    We move to the UP
    At the age of three my family and I move to Rudyard, MI and never quite leave the area.
  • My youngest brother is born

    My youngest brother is born
    Jesse, my youngest sibling, is born after we move to the UP making him the only true "yooper" out of all of us.
  • Womens Suffrage in Kuwait

    Womens Suffrage in Kuwait
    In a vote of 37-21 women are granted the right to vote and run for office in Kuwait.
  • My parents split up

    My parents split up
    My parents separate but continue to live in the same town and spend time with all of us kids.
  • US Removes Military Ban

    US Removes Military Ban
    The Pentagon lifts bans preventing women from participating in combat operations and front line combat.
  • Obergefell v. Hodges

    Obergefell v. Hodges
    Same sex marriage is legalized in the US.
  • Sibling Vacation

    Sibling Vacation
    Following my high school graduation my five siblings and I traveled to Orlando, FL and visited Universal Studios.
  • COVID closes the international bridge

    COVID closes the international bridge
    COVID restrictions shut down the bridge connecting Canada and Sault Ste. Marie, MI.
  • My nephew is born

    My nephew is born
    My nephew, Noah, is born right at the beginning of the pandemic.