The West-WWII 1302 TimeLine

  • Department Stores

    Department Stores
    Department stores opened in 1846. These stores offered fixed prices, and money back guarantees. They also offered to give free delivery. There were also five and dime stores, which offered large discounts to customers. There were other deals for buying in bulk, meaning customers would also get discounts.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson was born in December of 1856. He was the 28th president of the United States. During his presidency, Wilson cut tariffs. He then passed the 16th amendment, which was income taxes. Wilson also passed the Federal Reserve Act, which gave the U.S the Federal Reserve.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was born in 1858. He was the youngest president ever at age 42. He was Vice President of McKinley until McKinley got assassinated in 1901. Teddy had lots of energy and enthusiasm to share with the people. He was like a big little kid, he was a lecturer and an athlete. Teddy was also very likable, and even saved a bear cub once.
  • Steel

    Steel was and still is the building block of industrial America. Unfortunately, it wasn't able to be mass produced in the early 19th century. Not until Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish immigrant, began doing the Bessemer Process. The Bessemer Process allowed the mass production of steel at a low price, and Carnegie was the first one to invest in it.
  • Period: to

    Transforming the West

    Transforming the west was a moment where gold and mining was big. Indians and natives were assimilating to white culture and being forced off their land. This era being about Indians and how they helped us get to where we are and how nativist mistreated them. This era goes into detail of America expanding.
  • The Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act
    The Homestead Act was passed in the year 1862. The Homestead Act basically meant free land for any family that went and took it. The settlers would receive 160 acres of land if it were "improved" for 5 years. The type of people who took advantage of this were landless farmers, former slaves, and single women.
  • Laissez-Faire

    Laissez-Faire was introduced to the US around the year 1865. Laissez-Faire represented the idea of the government staying out of the private sphere. It portrayed the idea that the market should take care of itself with no regulations or rules. This greatly benefited other big money capitalists with monopolies.
  • Period: to

    Becoming an Industrial Power

    Becoming an Industrial Power was when there was an business and advancing technology. This era was around when everyday sights were beginning to form and strikes were being fought. Many of these changes result in how we are today were made and how life is how it is now.
  • Oil

    Oil was also a big business. It began to boom around the year 1865. This business was owned by John D. Rockefeller, he was the Carnegie of the oil production. Rockefeller controlled 90% of domestic oil. He went from vertical, to horizontal integration. He also invented two important elements; trusts and holding companies.
  • Granges

    The Granges was the first populism movement. They formed in the year 1867 and had hundreds of thousands members by the year 1870. They were made up of farmers who formed societies for solution to agricultural problems. They didn't last long, since they disappeared once the economy recovered.
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    The Knights of Labor were formed in the year 1869. They wanted to get rid of market competition for a cooperative one. This group was open to all workers. It was also very secret to avoid sabotage by employers. Because of them, Labor Day was established, along with eight hour work days.
  • Transcontinental Rail Road

    Transcontinental Rail Road
    The Transcontinental Rail Road was created in May of the year 1869. The two corporations behind this were the Union Pacific and Central Pacific. They were each in charge for their part of the rail road. The Union Pacific built West while the Central Pacific built East. The two met in Promontory Point, Utah, finalizing the construction the rail road and allowing better transportation.
  • Red River War

    Red River War
    The Red River war happened in the year 1874. It was a military campaign launched by the United States to remove many Native American Tribes. Their goal was to relocate these natives to the reservations in Indian Territory. This war only lasted a few months. The reason being is because many Indians ran out of energy and supplies to continue fighting.
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    The Battle of Little Big Horn took place in the year 1876. George Custer decided to lead an offensive before reinforcements arrived because he wanted to be a hero. Unfortunately, he underestimated the size of the native forces. Custer and his men were slaughtered . Custer then was portrayed as a hero, and the U.S used this excuse to find further settlement and reservation for Indians.
  • Great Uprising

    Great Uprising
    The Great Uprising of 1877 was a Rail-Road strike. This strike spread from West Virginia to other cities around the country. Labor unions became better organized. The reason why it happened is because workers had their wages cut off more yet again. Because of this incident, the National Guard was created.
  • Period: to

    The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age was the start of a city diversity and reforming the places around us and making the world a better place. A moment of leisure and relaxation was very common. All was fine until the depression took over and pulled this era into strikers.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    Social Darwinism relates to controversial Theory of Evolution. This was also an idea of survival of the fittest, which benefited rich people who were seen as intelligent, strong and adaptable. Poor people, in this view, were seen as unfit. This idea advocated against helping the poor because of Darwinist reasoning.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion act was passed in the year 1882. It was a U.S. federal law that was signed by President Chester A. Arthur. This was very significant in U.S. history regarding immigration. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned further immigration to the U.S.
  • Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show

    Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
    Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in fact started out as a book. It then transformed to an actual show when a former scout & buffalo hunter started his western performances in the Eastern part of the U.S. This show dealt with Indian fights, cowboys, cattle drives, and lassoing marksmanship. The people who participated in the show were former cowboys, sharpshooters, and Indians.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    The Pendleton Act was passed in the year 1883. This act made it illegal to fire anyone for political reasons. This act also established the Civil Service Exam. Another thing that it established was the Civil Service Reform Act. The Pendleton Act opposed the spoils system greatly.
  • Alcohol

    Women were champions of temperance with the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU.) Then the 18th amendment was created. Frances Willard wrote this which meant the banning of alcohol. Saloons were seen as a bad place especially for women. If you were a women seen at one, you were seen as a whore.
  • American Federation of Labor

    American Federation of Labor
    The American Federation of Labor (AFL), was formed in 1886. It took the place of the Knights of Labor. They didn't allow unskilled labor, along with blacks, immigrants or women. They favored Capitalism.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    The Haymarket Riot of 1886 was a protest planned for killed strikers at Haymarket Square in Chicago. 300 policemen came to breakup the crowd. Suddenly, a bomb exploded near the police. The police became angry and attacked the crowd with batons and guns. In the aftermath, seven police were left dead.
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    Dawes Severalty Act
    The Dawes Severalty Act was a call for the breakup of reservations. This act called for assimilation of natives into American society. This act also allowed the president to divide the lands within Indian Territory, between those who accepted assimilation, and the ones that didn't. Those who accepted also got the chance for an application for citizenship.
  • Settlement Houses

    Settlement Houses
    Settlement Houses were established primarily in major cities. They provided social programs, and educational services. One of these houses was named Hull House established in Chicago. It was founded by Jane Adams and they had cooking, sewing, hygiene, civics, and English.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was introduced in the year 1890. It originally made trusts illegal, hence, the name. It tried to prevent big corporations from buying politicians. Unfortunately, it was useless against monopolies when it was introduced, but it was successful later.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The Great Migration happened around the year 1890. African Americans decided to flee the Jim Crow laws. African Americans decided to go North in a look for better opportunity. Seven million African Americans fled between the year 1890 and 1970.
  • City Beautiful Movement

    City Beautiful Movement
    The City Beautiful Movement began around the 1890's. The movement wanted to reduce the city's problems by redesigning buildings. They incorporated better public squares, large open parks, and boulevards. Architecture and Urban design took a big part in this.
  • Lifestyle

    Lifestyle in the 1890s was a good one. People of middle class had free time and were able to take part in sports, walks, and go to the theater. Also, a "new woman" emerged. Women of middle class had free time, and were also able to attend college. They also went on a Bicycle Craze, and they were criticized for showing too much ankle.
  • Farmer's Alliance

    Farmer's Alliance
    The Farmer's Alliance took reins from the Granger Movement. There were five million members which were all white. Farmers were overcharged on shipping crops with high interest loans. They attempted to negotiate higher crop prices, getting better loan rates, and insurance. They became a political party to fight monopolies and won in the year 1890.
  • Technology

    It was more modern in this era. There was more and faster communication with telephones and telegrams. Steam powered engines were another reason for there to be faster time travel on boats, there was no more waiting in ships. The navy starts using steel ships and steam powered engines.
  • Period: to

    Imperial America

    Imperial America, an era of war and defeat. Battles and wars were fought for changes, and freedoms. Rebellions were being fought and amendments were being written. Immigrants took place and the era carried a wide variety of battles between many countries.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    The Wounded Knee Massacre took place in the year 1890. It is also known as the Battle of Wounded Knee. It took place near Wounded Knee Creek where 300 Sioux were killed while performing a ghost dance. A gun "accidentally" went off and the Natives were forced to battle against the American forces.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Strike happened in May of 1894. It was a nationwide railroad strike. All the railroad workers went on strike and the American Railway Union shuts down the American railroad. Then, President Cleveland intervenes, while the strikers gained the support of the public.
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

    The Progressive Era was a large growing division in America, with automobiles being made and trust being enabled. A huge thing: Health regulations were created and Women gained their voice. This era brushed off the pieces from the past and entered a newer lifestyle.
  • Election of 1896

    Election of 1896
    The election of 1896 was ran by William McKinley who was a Republican, and William Jennings Bryan who was a Democrat. McKinley wanted the gold standard while Bryan wanted free silver. In the views, gold symbolized the rich, and silver symbolized the workers. After, the democrats and populists gained more money in circulation and suddenly got both silver and gold in the economy.
  • Blacklists

    Blacklists were present in the U.S around the year of 1896. Blacklists were a list of people or groups who were seen as incapable or untrustworthy to perform productive work, and were often marked for punishment or exclusion. Blacklists made it harder for people to find other jobs if they had either quit or got fired from a previous one. Blacklists were still around the 1900's, and continued to make worker's lives difficult.
  • Rough Riders

    Rough Riders
    The Rough Riders were a special military created by teddy Roosevelt himself who wanted war! He quit being the assistant secretary of the Navy and led the voluntary Calvary. The Rough Riders were a bunch of cowboys, cops, athletes, Indian scouts, and Africans, that gained up to 300 thousand members.
  • Cuba

    Cuba was the only colony left in Spain without independence. They first rebellion failed but they were given autonomy. U.S invested 50 million dollars to Cuba through sugar. Their second rebellion was destroying all sugar plants except U.S'. They wanted our help getting independence. Spain saw this and got mad and sent troops that died from diseases and put in camps.
  • U.S.S Maine

    U.S.S Maine
    The U.S.S Maine explosion was an accident that was blamed on Spain. The Yellow Journals exaggerated it and said they planted mines in the ship to explode it. (With further research today, it turns out to be just bad ship design.) This made Spain look worse to the public eyes and was called "the Spanish's fault."
  • American Media

    American Media
    This was the Yellow Journal, it was a newspaper company that exaggerated its content and stories for views. This was mainly used against the Spanish and said they "raped and killed." It was created by William Hearst who was not afraid to get his hands in the dirt for writing actions and dramatic stories.
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii was where the American sugar business grew most. Sanford Dole, the most famous person in Hawaii, later became president after stealing the throne from the Queen. He being his cruel changed their religion to Christianity. After Queen Liliuokalani was over thrown a new strategy was needed, leading to the annexing of Hawaii in 1898.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris in 1898 was what ended the war. 385 dead from battle and 2000 dead from disease, the treaty was signed. This meant giving up Cuba and it had independence; but Cuba became a puppet state. Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines was given to the U.S for 200 million dollars.
  • Open Door

    Open Door
    This policy was a non-binding agreement, this meant that you could get out whenever you wanted to back out. The Chinese markets were open to everyone who wanted a part of it, it was a non-established right to trade. There was no duties or taxes either but the Chinese had product fees to replace this absence of taxes.
  • Tenements

    Tenements reached almost 80,000 by the year 1900. Tenements were multiple family dwellings 4-6 stories high. There were dozens of families in each one. They were also poorly ventilated, and also poorly lit. Because of all these factors, diseases began to spread easily. Also, rents soared due to overpopulation.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    Europeans tried to colonize in Latin America and said that our debt to them was their right. This made the Corollary. Roosevelt brought up the Monroe Doctrine again and pushedEuropeans back. Latin America became debt collectors and given police power. Roosevelt forced this by using, "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Which he would beat all of those who refused this.
  • Meat Inspection Act (1960)

    Meat Inspection Act (1960)
    This act was a result of the book "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. The book talked about how bad the food industries were and how unhealthy it was. After the public demanding change, the meat inspections could now shut down business' that were not up to the conditions. Restaurants could be condemned.
  • Muckrakers

    These Muckrakers were exposing politicians. They were over-zealous journalist that would always investigate the government scandals and their corrupt ways. The 17th amendment was created by this: All voters, not just state legislatures, were to appoint senators to congress.
  • Henry Cabot Lodge

    Henry Cabot Lodge
    Henry Cabot Lodge was an advocate for upgrading the armed forces. We were third ranked most powerful navy, Britain being first and second was Germany. He was in charge of the navy of Great White Fleet, the Great White Fleet were his navy of big, strong steam powered ships with white paint covers.
  • W.E.B Dubois

    W.E.B Dubois
    He was another prominent black intellectual, professional, and teacher. He thought that economic equality would only come if social equality came first. He was a founder of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) This was to originally overturn the Jim Crow, it later turned for civil rights.
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    She was another suffragette in 1909. She was also another co-founder of the NAACP in 1909. She had documented the number of lynchings in the south. She thought that white on black violence meant, in other words, to control the African Americans.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Wilson wins and begins cutting tariffs. he lost the income to fund the government and creates the 16th amendment, Income taxes. The banking system is revived and there no central authority. The supply was in the hands of banks and operated separately. Leading to the Federal Reserve Act that held bank funds in urgent times, set loans and currency. Had institutions of banks and board of governors appointed by president.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    He revolutionized cars and the car industry. He invented the assembly line that made making cars faster and gave all employees a specific job. He also improved machines and shorted car prices and gave saving offers to customers. All workers worked 8 hour days and he a 5 dollars a day privilege. The rules were that you a year of working there, had to live with your family and could not gamble or drink.
  • Neutral Power

    Neutral Power
    Besides the others the U.S wanted to be alone and neutral. It wasn't worth getting involved and everything was good on the side. The U.S traded with their allies and had Britain as a close friend, and traded with them a lot. The U.S decided to stay out of it all and had no mindset of joining the war. (at this time)
  • Alliances

    Germany allied with Austria-Hungary and wanted an invasion to Bosnia. The plan was called "Schlielfen Plan," A two front war to be quick and then move to Russia. Russia was an ally with Bosnia.. France allied with Russia when Germany wanted war with France. Britain wanted war with Germany, Britain attacked France and said they would give Belgium independence if they helped them win..
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    He was killed by the Black Hand.They wanted to kill him to make a statement to free Serbia. He was in an open top car when they first tried killing him with a bomb. But they messed up and missed his car, the bomb killed soldiers around. His murder happened after a wrong turn when driving, they shot him while he was turning around.
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    They had a lot of trenches. The trenches were not more than 20 miles and weapons were being used. Mustard gas would blind the enemy, airplanes for spying, bombs even if they were limited, machine guns and last tanks, which were usually used to break apart trenches.
  • Pancho Villa

    Pancho Villa
    Pancho attacked New Mexico Colombus. General John Pershing chased Villa. Villa raided Columbus in the U.S which made John chase him through the dry deserts. Pancho made a turn into Mexican territory then Mexico and U.S were a stand off. He had led the U.S into a Mexican army.
  • Lost Generation

    Lost Generation
    Tlost generation were rebels effected by the remorse of WWI and were against the public codes of conduct. They also were "sex liberals," they believed sex was open, to freely have it whenever. They wanted to stop the "unhealthy" ways of modern life through alcohol, they thought it was important for many who drank it. It was a way to relax and let loose.
  • Cars

    Cars were very well know like we are today. Ownership of cars were common and cost less. They were cleaner and people were also able to buy off of credit. Whenever the poor got cars it was 100% of their income and the middle class paid 20%-45% of their income. But, because of all these cars, pollution grew like crazy.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    World War I was a time of war. From assassinations to alliances, this stays as one of the worst wars in American history. With the new war tactics and the new battle strategies being passed along with newer weapons being created. Countries across the globe fought for what they believed and we, till today, remember it.
  • National Park System

    National Park System
    The National Park System was established in the year 1916. Big Business conservationists advocated this idea, meaning they publicly supported it. The NPS runs all national parks in the US, along with monuments and historical sites.
  • Industry

    Women started working more because of the war. Food was expensive because of how little there was and food was saved for troops in the war. Ladies got factory jobs to replace the men who were at the war. Africans from the south also traveled here and helped replace soldiers despite the discrimination they faced.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Zimmerman said they would give Mexico Texas, New Mexico and Arizona if they joined the war and Germany won. They wanted Mexico to persuade Japan to hit and distract America. When Americans heard this they got angry and wanted to fight. Wilson agreed with this. U.S wasn't with the allied powers, but they were with associate powers.
  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    Longer than western front and most of it had no trenches. Russia fell economically and people began to starve and rebel. Tsar overthrown during the Bolshevik Revolution. More communist views were shown with Vladimir Lenin. Germany had a peace treaty with central powers on 1918.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The Peace Conference took months and was planned in secret leaving Germany out of deciding their fate. This angered Germany these people, Great Britain, France, Italy, and the U.S were planning and purposely left Germany out. This led to the Treaty of Versailles in 1918.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The 18th Amendment was what had banned alcohol. This made making alcohol, selling it or moving it illegal in 1917. It had went into effect in 1920 and was joined with the Volstead Act which started in 1919 which was that you could only have 5% of alcohol in your body at a time. This was not liked very much by drinkers.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty was signed on Archduke's assassination anniversary. It ruined Germany's economically since they were blamed for the war and had to pay for the aftermath. The treaty claimed they couldn't make an army and to give up their colones. They were blamed for the war even though it originated with the Black Hand.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    Temperance Movement was the banning alcohol. There were wet opposition's that wanted to drink. Then the dry opposition's that didn't want drinking around. The Anti-Saloon League was a constructed propaganda of dry people. And Billy Sunday was a member that went to schools talking about how bad drinking was. This actually started to overwhelmed the dry opposition.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    They were people that had the mindset of the old days, no immigrants, suffrage, or prohibition. Initially suppressed by the government and not bothered when they did lynchings. Lots of members in the 1920's and were thousands of burning... Whites upset about the great migration and started to take it out on black neighborhoods, they started getting assaulted by mobs. The KKK also went after Jews, Catholics, and females.
  • New Industries

    New Industries
    Mass cars making came lots of oil, but oil was very cheap. Roads being made for millions of cars that were driven. New bridges, roads, and tunnels were built to decrease traffic. Cottages came on the side of roads with hotels. Bill-board advertising grew with restaurants and gas stations. Vacation industries too, people would go on vacations for pleasure because travel was easier with cars.
  • Benefits

    Benefits were sick leave, employees call off work and still get a paid. Stock ownership grew with the market and got big. A thing was pensions and retirement money, with medical insurances from companies that you worked for. A most favored thing was paid vacations. This was to instill loyalty.
  • Enforcement

    After banning alcohol, drinking was looked at like a drug. Police started raiding neighborhoods to find drinks and pour it down the drains. This involved all kinds of wine, beer, and any other alcohol, all were smashed and destroyed. They hoped this action towards drinking would make society more law following.
  • Maragaret Sanger

    Maragaret Sanger
    She was a nurse and birth control advocate. She thought that children made women improvise. She made the very first birth control and clinical abortions. She started educating women on birth control and bad things of illegal abortions. But, she got arrested for teaching this because it was illegal at the time.
  • Alcohol

    After the banning people started finding ways to drink in secret. The banning had backfired and growing organized crime and black markets grew as well. Mafia took advantage of this and charged much for what was alcohol. It got so dangerous that police were starting to get bribed to not see the moving of wines.
  • Period: to


    The 1920' was after world war 1 and was a time where the war was over. People drank a lot at parties as if they would die the next day. Other than that, technology was even more advanced and construction was growing. Amendments were created and life went on. However, this came rivals and parties who wanted to ruin this era of jazz and growth.
  • American Indian Citizenship Act

    American Indian Citizenship Act
    The American Indian Citizenship Act gave native Americans citizenship. It took place in the year of 1924. When we think of citizenship, we think of all the rights including vote, and right to speak. Unfortunately, native Americans didn't get allowed to vote until the later 1940's.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Hoover came where everyone was happy right before the depression. Elected in 1928 but didn't start till 1929. He was an orphaned child and a humanitarian who helped children after WWI. He was a poor public speaker who believed in almost no government intervening, that business' needed to fix problems on their own.
  • Hoovers Response

    Hoovers Response
    The reality of the problem was unknown to the people, and led to the worst 10 years in american history. The government had started giving money to the wealthy for the rest to go down evenly to the middle class and poor, but it does not happen. The economy starts debating on laissez faire and business'. They wanted shorter hours, workers agreed not to strike and high tariffs were raising, this made this worse.
  • Crash

    With the over making of clothes and machines. Was a falling demand that limited purchase power. This caused a bad and not even income pay. Workers got 8% percent while corporate got 62%of the income. There was high tariffs going back and forth like a game of who's tariff was higher.
  • Mexican Repatriation

    Mexican Repatriation
    The United States ended legal immigration in 1929. It lasted the whole depression and protected American jobs. Farmers relied on Mexican labor due to Americans not wanting these hard working jobs. The local and federal officials started deporting immigrants. Up to 415 thousand unwillingly left the country because of the depression.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    The Great Depression was what it's name is, an economic down fall that led to many getting killed. Money collapsed and banks went bankrupt leading the depression and inflation. Crowds tried to fix this issue while others unconsciously made it worse. Many other eras wrote amendments, here also were written and changes were made.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    Top soil was blown away by drought and poor farming. The south had the worst to get hit, the dust covered major cities. People started enclosing themselves in their homes and cows started dying because of the air. Due to this, there wasn't any agriculture, 220 million trees were planted in Canada in hopes of stopping the wind from reaching and to stop the dust bowl.
  • Bonus March

    Bonus March
    This was in summer of 1932, months before the election. 40 thousand WWI soldiers wanted early payment on their bonuses. But because of the depression there was no more money. After the soldiers stood there they were forced off by the army. Hoover was blamed for it and his election was altered, even if it was not his fault.
  • Migration

    Migration due by the Dust Bowl in 1930. Up to 400 Oklahoma people flee and were given the name "Okies" by Californians. Migrants lived in makeshift homes on roadside, they had no homes. This ended with the image taken by Dorothea, "Migrant Mother." A mom who was living in the harsh "Okies" went through. She was a symbol.
  • Father Charles Coughlin

    Father Charles Coughlin
    Charles, an Irish catholic who preached an alternative to the New Deal. He had 40 listeners a week on his station. He blamed wall street and bankers for the depression. He nationalized banks that were part of national government. He was a person who pushed FDR left onto the liberals side.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    Eleanor Roosevelt
    She was the eyes and ears for her husband. She cared about everyone of race, and color. She was the first modern first lady and worked causes. She really hated the south because of the way they treated African with harshness and hatred. She was an example to all ladies to come into politics.
  • Fuhrer

    After Hitler made Nazi's the only party, the president died and that made him Fuhrer in 1934. He enforced the 3rd Reich that was that Jews citizenship was taken away and they not able to attend public school and not able to be in public, also were made to put on the star of David on their clothes. He built an army, and that was breaking the Treaty, and no on did anything, they did not want trouble.
  • Hitler

    He was a natural orator and a charismatic person. He took control of National Socialist Party (nazis.) He tries to make a coup of Welmar Republic but, it failed and was arrested for attempting treason. He spent 9 months in prison and wrote his book, "Mein Kampf" which was "My Pain"
  • Cash and Carry

    Cash and Carry
    Cash and Carry were really just allowing nations in war to get goods. This went past the Neutrality Acts of 1935 that restricted weapon sales, loans and goods to nations in war. Only if they transported their own stuff and paid in cash it wasn't officially against the law.
  • Work

    The civil Conservative Corporation was a group where young poor men gained work experience and fixed the fish problem due to the damage that dams had caused. Reforestation and roadside parks and National parks. The Work Progressive Administration, the largest New Deal program that helped with construction of industries.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    After Hitler was talked to and talked to about the problems of what he was doing, he was handed Sudetenland only if he would not create an army. He agreed to this only to continue with his plans of reforming Germany's army. He believed that the allies were weak. He said that people needed more living space and went after Eastern European people.
  • U.S Neutrality

    U.S Neutrality
    The United States didn't want to fight another war, they said they were bad off as it was and didn't want to make matters worse, they wanted to fix the damage they initially had. European countries defaulted on human debate and didn't want to assist. There was a huge interventionist and non-interventionist debate.
  • German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    In this Hitler and Stalin agreed that no one was going to be aggressive towards one another. But both knew this wouldn't ever happen and they did this to buy time to gain their armies and get ready. He didn't want a two fronted war, this was not on his agenda. Instead he wanted to take the west out first.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    World War II was in result of Hitler and his blaming on Jews. With all the weaponry that was created, another World War occured. The depression in Germany kept this going and all countries were still going though the effects of World War 1, a war was fought. This era gets as close to the violence that the first World War brought all who joined.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor onn December 7th, 1941. This was when Japanese planes attacked the United States Navy at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The bombing killed 2,300 Americans. It destroyed the American battleship U.S.S. This bombing was to prevent the Pacific Fleet from interfering with the Japanese conquest.
  • D-Day

    June 6th, 1944 the United States and allied troops invaded Normandy. This had been the biggest invasion in all history. The goal was to surprise Germany, but Germany was ready to fight. It was what came to be the beginning to the end of World War II.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    Nazi's started concentration camps that were a big way that they showed their control. Ways to stop any enemy to the Nazi's. Some camps were called Death Camps, they attempted to kill as much Jews as they could. Jews that came in would be moved to gas chambers, starved to death, worked to death, or exposed diseases.
  • Battle of Atlantic

    Battle of Atlantic
    A big role in this was modern technology. Aircraft were really effective by protecting ships, but allied planes used earlier didn't have enough range to give air cover for the convoys all across the Atlantic. The Allied and Axis forces went against each other for control of the Atlantic Ocean.