The unification of Germany

  • Review

    the Holy Roman Empire was divided into more than 300 states
  • Creation of Confederation of Rhine

    Creation of Confederation of Rhine
    Napoleon dissolves the Holy Roman Empire and groups the German states into a new confederation, the Confederation of the Rhine.
  • German Confideraion

    German Confideraion
    formed in 1815 at the congress o Vienna
  • Economic unity

    Economic unity
    customs union that removed tariffs and products traded between German states. The Zollverein positively affected the German Confederation by uniting the economies between each state.
  • Review

    created constitutional monarchy
  • Otto von Bismark elected Prime Minister of Prussia

    Otto von Bismark elected Prime Minister of Prussia
    It was the beginings of a strong leader who would lead the German Confederation to unification through 'iron and blood'.
  • Danish War

    Danish War
    Prussia and Austria vs. Denmark. Bismarck could assess the military power of Austria.
  • Austro - Prussian War

    Austro - Prussian War
    Seven Weeks War. Prussians had better army and technology. Northern German states united with Prussia to form North German confidential.
  • Period: to

    Prussian - French War

    Bismarck refused to give up territories to France. Therefor King William responded to telegram from French with insult.
  • Peace Treaty of Versailles

    Peace Treaty of Versailles
    France lost Alsace - Lorraine. Morover France had to pay a lot of money to Germany. Ater that they realized the Small German Unity.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm IV Pronounced Emperor of Empire

    Friedrich Wilhelm IV Pronounced Emperor of Empire
    Wilhelm IV accepted the title of German Emporer of the German Empire.
  • Germany Adopts Constitution

    Germany Adopts Constitution
    Germany accepted a constitution and set up a new government for the empire.