The trojan war

The Trojan War by Shai Vasquez

  • 1000 BCE

    The Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis

    The Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis
    The goddess of discord, Eris wasn't invited the the kings wedding and she was upset. So she threw an apple to decide "the fairest ". This started a contest between Aphrodite, Athena , and Hera.
  • 1000 BCE

    The Judgement of Paris

    The Judgement of Paris
    Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite in exchange for the most beautiful girl. Paris then was led to Helen with the help of Aphrodite . Paris wanted Helen so he escaped with her.
  • 1000 BCE

    The Battle Between Paris and King Menelaus

    The Battle Between Paris and King Menelaus
    King Menelaus was married to Helen ,and became furious after finding out Paris took her. Menelaus declared war. So he had a duel with Paris and won the fight. Menelaus decided to kill Paris ,but Before Menelaus could kill him Aphrodite saves him . She used her powers to spirit away Paris into the Walls of troy where he was safe.
  • 1000 BCE

    Greek colonization

    Greek colonization
    King Menelaus gathered all of Greece and declared war on the Walls of Troy. Odysseys pretended to be mad , and Achilles portrayed himself as a girl so he wouldn't have to fight. Both got caught and were forced to fight in the Greek War.
  • 1000 BCE

    9 years of war

    9 years of war
    After nine years of fighting the daughter of the priest Apollo is captured. This caused a great sickness which killed many of the Greeks. Thinking the disease would go away, Achilles tried to convince Agamemnon to return her. Instead Agamemnon took Achilles prize possession , Briseis. This made Achilles angry and he refused to fight.
  • 1000 BCE

    Achillies Revenge

    Achillies Revenge
    Achilles friend Patroclus tried to persuade him to fight again. Achilles refused so Patroclus put on his armor, and went to fight in his place instead. This caused Patroclus to get killed by Hector , the son of the king of troy. Achilles grieved and wanted revenge. So he went and killed Hector then dragged him around with his chariot.
  • 1000 BCE

    Achilles Death

    Achilles Death
    When Achilles was a child his mother dipped him in River Styx ,and he became immortal. However his mom forgot to dip the heel which she was holding him by. So while he was fighting, Paris shot his bow and arrow at his mortal heel causing Achilles to die.
  • 1000 BCE

    Armor of Achilles

    Armor of Achilles
    Achilles was the best warrior in Greece so it was an honor to be given his armor. The Greeks decided to give the armor to the second best warrior, Odysseus. Ajax who wanted the armor became angry, and tried to kill some of the other Greeks. This ended in him killing himself.
  • 1000 BCE

    The Arrows

    The Arrows
    On the island of Lemnos Herakles Arrows were being kept by Philoctetes. Odysseus went to the island to collect the arrows with Philoctetes. When they returned they went into war. Philoctetes shot the arrow at Paris killing him.
  • 1000 BCE

    The Trojan Horse

    The Trojan Horse
    As the Greeks departed from Troy in ships, they left behind a wooden horse. The Trojans thought that the Greeks have left for good. Little did they know that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse. The trojans took the horse to the middle of the city. When the night came the Greeks came out and set fire to the city . Even though many Greeks were killed, Troy was destroyed. The Greeks won the Trojan War.