The Trojan War

  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Wedding of King Peluis and Thetis

    Peleus King of Myrmidons fell in love with Thetis Queen of Nereids , so they got married. All of the gods were invited to the weeding except Eris the goddess of Discord. She was angry because she wasn't invited so she flew over the wedding and dropped a golden apple.
  • Jan 2, 1000

    The judgment of Paris

    When Eris the Goddess of Discord drops the golden apple Athena , Aphrodite and Hera fight over the apple. To solve the problem with the apple Zeus sends the 3 goddess to a mortal guy named Paris. Paris try's to find out who would be the better wife and all 3 were bribing him. He was trying yo see who was the most beautiful and to see who is the most value one. So he chose Aphrodite.
  • Jan 3, 1000

    Paris vist King Menelaus in Sparta

    Helen Menelaus wife was the moat beautiful women in the world. So Paris wanted to abduct her. Since Paris chose Aphrodite she promised to help abduct Helen.
  • Jan 4, 1000

    The abduction Of Helen

    When King Menelaus wasn't around that's when it all happened. Paris and Aphrodite went and abducted her. All three of them went back to troy.
  • Jan 5, 1000

    King Menelaus Finds out

    When King Menelaus returners he finds out Helen has be abduct by Paris. He was so angry. So he gathered his army and went to look for who did it.
  • Jan 6, 1000

    Odysseus and Achillles

    Odysseus and Achilles try to avoid King Menelaus army. So Odysseus try to pretend he's insane and Achilles dresses up like a women and they both get caught.