Trojan war

The Trojan War by Stephanie Cruz

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Peleus and Thetis Wedding Day

    Peleus and Thetis Wedding Day
    All gods and goddessses were invted to their wedding except Eris, the goddesses of discord. The angered goddessses arrived at the wedding and threw a golden apple that said "for who was the fairest". Hera, Athena and Aphrodite wanted the apple and Zeus appointed Paris, prince of Troy to decide who gets it.
  • Jan 2, 1000

    Paris Decision

    Paris Decision
    Paris chose Aphordite and she promised him Helena, but she was already married to the Greek king of Sparta. Paris siblings begged him not to go but he didnt listen and set off to Sparta to get Helena
  • Jan 3, 1000

    Paris arrives at Sparta

    Paris arrives at Sparta
    The King welcomed and entertained him for nine days. The King left to attend his grandfather's funeral, Paris took Helena and in Troy they were married
  • Jan 4, 1000

    The Search for Helena

    The Search for Helena
    The king discovered Helena was gone and asked his brother for help. His brother provided him with suitors , Odysseus knew that story behind Helena leaving but he pretended not to know. the king's brother gathered up 1000 ships for Troy.
  • Jan 5, 1000

    Agamenon scarfice

    Agamenon scarfice
    Strong winds for preventing them from sailing, so Calchas, a soothsayer, blamed Agamemnon for the winds and inisisted that his daughter must be sacrificed before the fleet could set sail.
  • Jan 6, 1000

    Where is Troy?

    Where is Troy?
    no one knew where Troy was, they landed in Mysi. Telephas son of Heracles led a force and killed most of the geeks. Telephus got wounded by Achilles
  • Jan 7, 1000

    Heading Towards Troy

    Telephus followed the Greeks to Euboea, where he agreed to show the Greeks the way to Troy if Achilles cured him. After getting underway again, Philoctetes who had inherited Heracles's bow and arrows was bitten by a snake in Aegean islands. He was abandoned on the island of Lemnos due to the stench of his wound and sound of his agony.
  • Jan 8, 1000

    Siege of Troy

    Before the Geerks arrived at Troy.Menelaus and Odysseus, known for his eloquence, went to appeal to Priam, king of Troy. They demanded Helen and the stolen gold be returned. Priam refused and the Trojan war was inevitable.
  • Jan 9, 1000

    The War

    The War
    The first nine years of the Trojan War consisted of both war in Troy and war against the neighboring regions. The Greeks destroy the surrounding town and cities to cut off the provisions and aid supply to Troy. They looted the surrounding towns of anything they could carry.
  • Jan 10, 1000

    The Victory

    The Greeks won many important battles in the Trojan War. The Trojan hero Hector was killed by Achilles. Achilles, the greatest of Greek warriors, and almost invulnerable, killed countless Trojans in battles. Achilles was later felled by Paris who shot an arrow guided by Apollo to Achilles' heel.