The Trojan War

By ABear
  • Mar 25, 1111

    Paris was chosen to judge the godesses

    Each of the gods offered paris a different bribe to chose them. Paris chose Aphrodite as the fairest god for her bribe of a beautiful woman.
  • Mar 25, 1111

    Paris steals helen from Sparta

    The fairest lady was married to the king of Sparta, Menelaus. Paris stole her and returned to his home city of Troy.
  • Mar 25, 1111

    Menelaus becomes enraged at Paris

    He unites Greece together to travel across the ocean to burn the city of Troy and kill Paris.
  • Mar 25, 1111

    Eris Throws a Golden Apple

    Eris threw a golden apple into a wedding she was not invited too. The apple was marked "For the fairest" but had no specific name on it. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena fought over who the apple was meant for.
  • Apr 30, 1111

    The Greeks land at Troy's coastline

    They set up camp and prepare for battle against the Trojans.
  • Apr 30, 1120

    The Greeeks and Trojans fight for nine years

    Both sides are unable to gain ground on the other.
  • Apr 30, 1120

    Paris and Menelaus fight

    Menelaus was about to kill paris, but Aphrodite pulled Paris away at the last second. Menelaus is now even more angry at Paris.
  • Apr 30, 1120

    Many gods join the fight

    The gods picked sides and fought against each other for the side of their choosing. Zeus tried to remain neutral, but was eventualy persuaded to help the Trojans.
  • May 2, 1120

    Ajax and Diomeds fight well for the Greeks

    The Greek heroes slaughter all Trojans in there path during the fight.
  • May 3, 1120

    Hera distracts Zeus to help the Greeks

    Hera distracts Zeus to help the Greeks
    The Greeks are able to push back the Trojans toward the city.
  • May 3, 1120

    Patroclus takes Achilles' armor to lead his men

    Achilles' men follow Patroclus into battle thinking he is Achilles. The new soldiors are able to help the Greeks push farther toward Troy.
  • May 4, 1120

    Patroclus dies in the fighting

    Achilles becomes enraged at his friends death and swears vengence against his killer, Hector.
  • May 4, 1120

    Achilles is given impenatrable armor

    Achilles is given impenatrable armor
    Achilles' mother Thetis gives him armor made by Hephaestus that is said to protect the wearer.
  • May 5, 1120

    Achilles kills Hector

    Achilles kills Hector
    Achilles then takes the body of his dead foe and drags it behind him in his chariot. The gods were very displeased at this.
  • May 6, 1120

    Achilles gives Hector a proper funeral

    After being persuaded by the gods, he creamates Hector's body and puts it in a golden urn. The urn was buried under very large stones to show his glory.
  • May 7, 1120

    Paris kills Achilles with an arrow

    Paris fired an arrow, that was guided by Apollo, into Achilles' only weak spot, his heal. Achilles died from the wound.
  • May 27, 1120

    Philoctetes kills Paris with the bow of Hercules' bow

    The greeks returned to the island they abandond him on and persuaded him to return to camp with them. He was healed by the Greek healers and joined the fight.
  • May 31, 1120

    The Greeks slaughter the Trojans at night

    Night falls and the Greeks climb out of the horse and kil anybody they find. Paris and all other Trojan soldiors were killed.
  • May 31, 1120

    The Greeks fool the Trojans with a wooden horse

    The greek chieftans built a large wooden horse and hid inside. The Trojans brought the horse into the city and left it in the center of the city.
  • Jun 1, 1120

    The city of Troy was burned to the ground

    The city of Troy was burned to the ground
    Menelaus recieved Helen and burned the city to the ground. Only a few women were kept alive and used as slaves.