The Timeline Of Art ....

By NKM_8
  • Jan 1, 1270

    The Virgin and Child in Majesty surrounded by Six Angels, Cimabue

    The Virgin and Child in Majesty surrounded by Six Angels, Cimabue
    The virgin and child in majesty surrounded by six angels is a painting done by the Italian artist Cimabue. He used oil paint. It shows how were the people in that age affected and touched by their religion just by looking at the painting. Moreover , it is a byzantine painting.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Mona Lisa, Leonardo Di Vinci

    Mona Lisa, Leonardo Di Vinci
    The Mona Lisa is one of the most Famous paintings in the world. It was painted by the Italian artist , Leonardo Di Vinci. He used oil paint. It is a significant portrait painting because of her mysterious smile which makes us more interested to know about it. The painting showed valleys and rivers on the background yet the woman was the central focus. The Mona lisa was my first choice of artwork that serves as the Renaissance art since its famous, wonderful and unique .
  • Girl with a pearl Earring , Johannes Vermeer

    Girl with a pearl Earring , Johannes Vermeer
    The painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer's masterworks .The painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Johannes 's masterpeices. He used oil paint. It is a meaningful artwork , The facial expressions are clear. Yet and as the name tells, the pearl earring is the focal point. Hence , The story behind this painting made me choose it to represent the Baroque art .
  • Orphan girl at the cementery , Eugène Delacroix

    Orphan girl at the cementery , Eugène Delacroix
    The Orphan Girl at the cemetery is a painting by the French artist Eugène Delacroix. He used oil paint. The feelings that range from fear , sadness , greif to terror are all reflected from the painting .What made me choose this artwork is how passionately it was painted. Hence , it represents Romanticism.
  • Miss Amelia Van Buren , Thomas Eakins

    Miss Amelia Van Buren , Thomas Eakins
    The portrait of Miss Amelia Van Buren is a painting by the American artist Thomas Eakins. It is made of oil paint. What took my attention in this Realism artwork is that we just can’t know what was this 30 year old woman thinking off. It seems like she was day dreaming or maybe overthinking.
  • The Boating Party , Mary Cassatt

    The Boating Party , Mary Cassatt
    The Boating party is an artwork painted by the American female artist , Mary Cssatt. She was also a printmaker. For this painting she used oil paint. It shows a simple view that has sweet memory to some. Further more , it represents the Impressionism period.
  • Cubist Hoe Down , Joseph L. Van Sickle

    Cubist Hoe Down , Joseph L. Van Sickle
    The Cubist Hoe was made by the American artist Joseph Van Sickle. He used oil paint. It is a complex abstract painting. What took my attention is this Modernism work is the colors. The colors make a complicated yet marvellous composition.
  • Isometric Projection, Sol LeWitt

    Isometric Projection, Sol LeWitt
    The isometric Projection is an artwork done by the American artist . Solomon LeWitt. He didn’t use any paint but only Ink and pencil on a paper. This contemporary art is presenting drawings in three measurments . Further more , a specific degree angle is applied to its sides.