The Story of US

  • Jan 1, 1095


    The crusades started in 1105 in western Europe was told by the pope to fight against the Muslim amry over the HolyLand. The pope thought it was okay to kill the soilders because they didn't have the same belifs as Catholics. Importance: Fights over the HolyLand
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Balck Death started in the year 1347. The Black Death killed 1/3 of the European Population. The Black Death was carried by fleas. Importance:Killed 1/3 of Europe's Population
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    Christopher Columbus had this crazy plan to sail west to reach the East.He got support from royalty in Spain. They gave Columbus 3 ships and enough money and supplies to last him the whole trip. He found more land the royalty were happy because they now thought they were more powerful. Importance:Discovered New land
  • Apr 29, 1497

    Dias Voyage

    Dias Voyage
    Dias is a student of King Henery's navigation school. He wanted to reach India by sailing around the south tip of Africa. When Dias tried in 1497, he died once he reached the Southtip of Africa. Importance: diedon South African tip.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henry's 1st marriage

    King Henry's 1st marriage
    King Henry married Catherine,Princess of Arago. However, Henry was sleeping around. Catherine had a doughter named Mary. Henry was furious because he needed a son. The King went to the pope and asked for a divorce. Importance: Wife has daughter named Mary.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce De Leon Explores Florida

    Ponce De Leon Explores Florida
    Ponce De Leon was on the search for "The fountain of Youth." However, the fountain of youth doesn't exist. So, he landed up on the coast of Florida..De Leon is mostly known for being the first European explorer to reach North America mainland. Importance:Discovered North America
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortes defeat of the Aztecs

    Cortes defeat of the Aztecs
    Cortes deteating the Aztecs is also known as "The European settlers had a victory. However just a little after the spanish arrived, a battle started between Cortes' army and the Aztecs people. Importance: European settlers had victory.
  • May 1, 1532

    King Henry VIII's divorce

    King Henry VIII's divorce
    The pope refused the request for divorce so King Henry removed England from the Catholic Church. He then created the "Angelican church" or the "Church of England." Importance: He split from church and divored his wife.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    King Henry gets a son

    King Henry gets a son
    King Henry had a son with his third wife Jane Seymour. They named him Edward. Henry and Jane loved each other but seen died at child birth. He never had another relationship like he had with Jane. Importance:King Henrygets a son
  • Sep 8, 1565

    St. Augustine Est.

    St. Augustine Est.
    St.Augustine was founded by spanish explorer Pedro Menedez de auilies,who landed on the shore of what is currently Matanza's Bay. Ponce De Leon landed on when he reached Floridain 1513. Importance:Reached Florida
  • Jamestown Est.

    Jamestown Est.
    Jamestown was founded by the Virginia Company. In the year 1607, 144 men were sent by king James I to start a colony in a very bad swampy place. Importance: No good land and not much food.
  • Plymouth Est.

    Plymouth Est.
    Pepole who spoke out against the church were being persecuted.
    They asked the king to move them to Holland, where they stayed for 10 years. After 10 years, their kids began learning Dutch ways do they had to move. They were sailing around and the weather though them off course.
    Importance: First Thanksgiving
  • Maryland Est.

    Maryland Est.
    Maryland was a place for religious freedom. Many people who got persecuted in England asked to move to America. This was where George Calvert made a church that accepted all religions. Importance:New church and religious freedom
  • Delaware Est.

    Delaware Est.
    Delaware is the smallest state. It was also located south of New Jersey and lies along the atlantic coast.The soil was very fresh which helped pland foods. They planted wheat,fruits , and veggies. Importance:New and fertile land
  • Pennsylvania Est.

    Pennsylvania Est.
    Pennsylvania was the second largest state.It's largest city, Philidelphia is located on the Delaware River on the low lands of the southeast. This land was also very fertile. This helped grow crops. Importance: New and heathy land
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was passed in 1765. The Quartering act meant colonists were now reaqired to give British soilders a place to live and food to eat. Importance: British soilders took homes and food
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This where parliment (British Congress)put a tax on printed materials. This was the first ever direct tax on the colonists. This means there was a tax collector outside waiting to have you pay your taxes.British people started to boycott had a huge impact on the government. Importance:Act was repealed.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was the way the colonists rebelled against the government.Paniment put a tax on all tea. This required colonist to buy British East India Company Tea. The "Sons of Liberty" got people and disguise them as indians to pour all the tea into the Boston Harbor. Importance: Revenge on Parliment
  • Coersive Act

    Coersive Act
    The Boston port was shut down. This enraged Boston because they made alll their money. They stopped allowing the colonists to have town meetings because that is how they made their plans. Importance: Punishment for Boston Tea Party
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson was selected to write the declaration of Independence.Once it was finished, they called delagated to review it.When the voted were all over.There were alot of changes made to the declaration.Jeferson was not happy about it. Importance: Oficially independent
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Benedict Arnold went against the patriots and told the redcaots the secrets of the paitriots.So, the British headed towards Virginaia and so did the paitriots.Eventually,Gen. Washington arrived on another side and a French fleet came and block all ways out.This made the British surrender. Importance: British surrendered
  • Treatyof Paris

    Treatyof Paris
    The Traty of Paris 1783 was what officially seperated Britain and America. This happened when the British surrendered at the battle of yorktown. Not long after, America started to buy more land. Importance: British and America is seperated.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    The Lewis and Clark expedition was the first expedition for America.They were chosen by franklin to get more land from the West. They had many encounters with nature and to the most part, they were very kind. A women named Sacagewea, joined the expedition. While they were with her they learned about many ne things for example, plants, animals, and different land types. Importance: New types of land
  • Indian Removal act

    Indian Removal act
    The Indian Removal act was caused by President Andrew Jackson. President Jackson wanted all indians gone so the americans could get their land. They removed the indians with force which caused an event called "The Trail of Tears ." Importance: Indians were kicked out of their home.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail was when people would travel from one place to another. They make this decision that will determine how long they live. This trail killed many. Importance:traveling to get a better life
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    The Donner Party was a main point to prove how dangerous the trail. The Donner family got stuck at the sierra mountains during winter. They lost all their food after 3 weeks.
    Importance:Oregon Trail/ Specific way of traveling
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    John sutter, a swiss immigrant. He arrrived in California and lied to the mexicans about his background. This made Mexico grant him 50,000 acres of land. He hired Jame Marshall to build a fort. Marshall found a gold nugget. People came from all over the world to get some gold and when it was all gone the went to Nevada to,where they found silver. Importance Gold was found in California.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred scott was the slave of a military doctor who lived in Missouri.The owner of Dred Scott, had to travel for his job. While in Wisconsin, the doctor died.He then thought he was a free slave.The familiy then found Dred a took him back. Dred tried to sue for his freedom, howevere the supreme court said he was property. Importance: Wisconsin is a free state, the family has no right to take him away, it is illegal in that state.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    He wanted to start a slave rebellion. His plan was to raid the arsenal at Harper's Ferry,VA and give the weapons to the slaves.However, Brown forgot to tell the slaves about the plan. As a result, Brown and his 9 sons went to attack the arsenal, but got captured. Importance:slaves weren't free and John Brown can't do anyplans.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg adress was a speechAbraham Lincoln gave at the location of where the battle of Gettysburg took place. The adress was dedication to the Gettysburg cemetery. Importance:Dedication to the Gettysburg Cemetery
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Emancipation Proclomation
    The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in the rebel states. Inportance:All slaves are free from the rebel states.
  • Assasination of Lincoln

    Assasination of Lincoln
    He was shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth.He was shot at Fords Theatre.He was then taken to a house acroos the street.This is where he dies. Importance: President Lincoln is assasinated