
The Spark of World War 1

By skcross
  • Prussia’s blood-and-iron chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, freely used war to unify Germany

    Prussia’s blood-and-iron chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, freely used war to unify Germany
  • Creations of several militay alliances among the Great Powers

    Creations of several militay alliances among the Great Powers
    This happened as early as the 1870's
  • Bismarck formed The Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria- Hungary

    Bismarck formed The Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria- Hungary
  • Germany and Austria- Hungary were joined by Italy to make the Tripple Alliance

    Germany and Austria- Hungary were joined by Italy to make the Tripple Alliance
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II - who two years earlier had become ruler of Germany - forced Bismarck to resign

    Kaiser Wilhelm II - who two years earlier had become ruler of Germany - forced Bismarck to resign
  • Hundreds of peace organizations were active

    Hundreds of peace  organizations were active
  • Germany and France fought over who would control Moroco

    Germany and France fought over who would control Moroco
    Maroco was in northern Africa, most of Europe supported France so Germany backed down
  • World War 1 began

    World War 1 began
    Austria decares war on Serbia
  • All the Great Powers except Britain had large standing armies

    All the Great Powers except Britain had large standing armies
  • Gavrio Principe

    Gavrio Principe
    serbian nationalist group(The blackhand) assassinated Arch Duke Ferdinand was the aire to the throne of the Austrian- hungarian empire (Gavrio Principe was the actual assain)
  • Britian declares war on Germnany

    Britian declares war on Germnany