the senior year of Devin Swagerty

  • begined my senior year

    i started my senior off fresh, i finished my junior year with flying colours and i was going to do it again. i knew i wasn't going to graduate this year, but i know im going to finish it once and for all (till college)
  • halloween

    halloween was fun but (i literally did nothing. NOTHING~!) what got me is how many people still celebrating this great holiday, then i went to get me some cocoa and do some research
  • anniversary of the mayan apocalypse

    ha. ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!
  • Christmas Day!!

    finally it was christmas! a great day to just let your spirits out and the joy to just burst (happened once, dont ever want to do that again, ever) and so we had a big family dinner and i destroyed my cousin at the new games ( ha!)
  • had some fun

    had some off time buy hanging out with my while tyring out dungeons & dragons as the first time with the whole group. went off great and was really fun.
  • mardi

    went down to the good ol' louisiana with my friend and his family for some mardi gra!!! new orleans was a blast, met some people (especially some cute maiden) got some beads ( i was fabulous!) and ate a baby......a plastic one. it was just fun and i gotta say that soft shelled crab is the best (especially if your a seafood lover).
  • spring break....i think?

    i love spring break since i can just sit back and relax or go do things that is fun or what ever else is there to do...yeah pretty much
  • finished senior projects

    finally finished the senior boards and finished the senior projects. was tough and very stressful but i got through it.
  • summer!

    don't know what are the plans for summer vacation, but it'll be a good relief to just be at a beach and have no worries....for now