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The Roaring 20's

  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations holds its first meeting and accomplishes the rafitification of the Treaty of Versailles, ending the hostilities of the first World War. Nine days later the United States Senate votes against joining the League.
  • Womens Suffrage

    Womens Suffrage
    Women are given the right to vote when the 19th Amendment to the United States constitution grants universal women's suffrage. Also known as the Susan B. Anthony amendment, in recognition of her important campaign to win the right to vote.
  • Flappers

    Flapper was a term used for a young women who was breaking the barriers of what most women were expected to be. Proper you might say.. But Flappers smoked, drank, danced, wore make-up, and dressed alot differently then everyone was used to.
  • First Motion Picture With Sound

    First Motion Picture With Sound
    The first sound on film motion picture "Phonofilm" is show in the Rivoli Theatre in New York City by Lee de Forest.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    The Scopes Trial or "Monkey Trial" begins and would later convict John T. Scopes of teaching Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory at a Dayton, Tennessee high school, which violated Tennessee law. He is fined $100 for the charge.
  • Coolidge Wins

    Coolidge Wins
    Calvin Coolidge wins his first election as President, retaining the White House for the Republican Party over his Democratic foe, John W. Davis, and Progressive Party candidate Robert M. LaFollette.
  • Air Commerce Act

    Air Commerce Act
    Air Commerce Act is passed, providing aid and assistance to the airline industry, plus federal oversight under the Department of Commerce for civil air safety.
  • Mount Rushmore

    Mount Rushmore
    Work on the gigantic sculpture at Mount Rushmore began. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum would complete the task of chiseling the busts of four presidents; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt, fourteen years later.
  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse
    The first appearance of Mickey and Minnie Mouse on film occurs with the release of the animated short film, "Plane Crazy".
  • First Woman to fly over Atlantic Ocean

    First Woman to fly over Atlantic Ocean
    Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Herbert Hoover Wins

    Herbert Hoover Wins
    Herbert Hoover wins election as President of the United States with an Electoral College victory, 444 to 87 over Democratic candidate Alfred E. Smith, the Catholic governor of New York.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Postwar prosperity ends in the 1929 Stock Market crash. The plummeting stock prices led to losses between 1929 and 1931 of an estimated $50 billion and started the worst American depression in the nation's history. (Photo below) On the New York City docks, out of work men during the Great Depression, an outcome of the Stock Market crash of 1929 after the prosperous decade of the 1920's. Photo: Federal Works Agency, circa 1934.