The Road to Revoloution

  • French and Indian War pt. 2

    A major negative effect on the British was that they had a huge war debt afterwards
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War began in 1753 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The reasons for the war starting was because the French and British both wanted to own the ohio river valley which belonged to the Native Americans. In the begginning the French won the battles including the defeat of General Braddock in 1755. France ended up losing their control over their colonies and England now owned Canada and the area between east U.S. and the Missisipi river.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of paris marked the end of french power in north america. A positive outcome for the british was that they gained a lot of land. A bad effect on the french was that they lost all of their land in north america.
  • Proclomation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 banned Colonial settlement west of a line drawn along the Appalachian mountains. The whole purpose of the Proclamation of 1763 was to separate the colonists from the Indians. They were angered by it and thought they had the right to live wherever they want so the law was widely ignored.
  • The Stamp Act Congress

    The Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp act Congress was held because colonial leaders thought that they should work together to change parliaments tax laws on the colonists.
    the Declaration of Rights and grievances is a document made by the Stamp Act Congress. it said that taxes were unconstitutional.
  • Sugar Act

    The sugar act is a law required that all colonists buy special tax stamps for all kinds of products and activities. They passed this law because they needed to raise money to pay off the debt that the English had after fighting the French in the seven years war. the colonists acted negative about it. They thought it was unreasonable
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act is an act of the British Parliament in 1756 that exacted revenue from the American colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents. It led to the act's repeal in 1766 and helped encourage the revolutionary movement against the British Crown. The colonists reacted negatively about it. The colonists reacted differently from the sugar act by boycotting the stamp act
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act is a name given to a minimum of two Acts of British Parliament in the 18th century. Parliament enacted them to order local governments of the American colonies to provide the British soldiers with any needed accommodations. the purpose was to allow Britain to keep a standing army in the colonies without having to pay too much. It required colonists to pay the cost of housing and feeding these troops. The British further angered American colonists with the Quartering act
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend act was named after a man named Charles Townshend. The purpose of the law was that Townshend wanted to strengthen the power of the British parliament which would simultaneously strengthen the power of royal officials. lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea were taxed. The colonists felt very angry that they had no say in the Townshend acts. The taxes to remain after the Townshend Acts were repealed were the Intolerable/Coercive Acts and the other big tax to remain is the Tea Acts.
  • The Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre
    King George III was angry because the colonists would not pay their taxes so he then he sent ships and troops in 1768 to show that he was the one in control the colonists were really mad that they had no say. They were so fed up that on march 7 1770 a bunch of school boys started throwing snowballs at the soilders and calling them names. Everything got out of control when they called for back up and a musket was fired then a riot started and in result 5 colonists were killed.
  • The Boston massacre pt. 2

    In my opinion i do not think it should not be called the boston massacre. I think it's not because the soilders fired before they were told to and they were just acting in self defence. A famous american that defended those soilders on trial was john adams. even though he was anti-british he defended them because he thought it was un-fair not to. The creator of the famous picture of the boston massacre is Gilder Lehrman
  • The Tea Act

    The act's main purpose was not to raise revenue from the colonies but to bail out the floundering East India Company. It was meant to help the colonists. A monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  • The boston Tea Party

    The boston tea party was when colonists dressed up as indians and raided 3 boston ships and dumped hundreds of boxes of tea into the harbor as a proteset against taxes on tea. The cause of the boston tea party was because colonists were tired of paying taxes for tea. 342 chests of tea was thrown into the harbor. The sons of liberty were responsible for the boston tea party. The british reacted by closing boston ports which destroyed the massachusetts goverment.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable acts are laws passed by the Brittish parliment relating to the Boston Tea Party.another name for the intolerable acts is the Coercive acts. the laws were
    1. The Boston Port Act
    2. The Massachusetts Government Act
    3. The Administration of Justice Act
    4. The Quartering Act
    5. The Quebec Act
  • The First Continental congress

    The reasons the first meeting was held was because they needed to discuss the intolerable acts. all of the colonies were represented except for georgia. 343 people were there. they agreed to boycott british goods and pass resolutions asserting colonial rights. George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were some key people to attend the meeting.
  • lexington and concord pt. 2

    the militiamen attacked the red coats soo enough the redcoats retreated. finally in 1783 the colonists won their independence.
  • The second continental congress

    On July 4, 1775, revolutionary Georgians held a Provincial Congress to decide how to respond to the American Revolution. The olive branch was a petition signed by the continental congress in an attempt to avoid a war between the 13 colonies. a document made by the Second Continental Congress on July 6, 1775, to say why the Thirteen Colonies had taken up arms in what had become the American Revolutionary War. Eventually the congress gained the 13 colonies independance.
  • Lexington and Concord pt.1

    The soiders were sent to concord to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock in lexington and to take gunpowder and other supplies in concord on april 19 1775 british soilders were sent out to boston at lexington to capture sam adams and john hancock to seize their gunpowder. A minuteman is a militaman who volunteered to be on the battlefeild in less than a minute. on april 18 1775 hundreds of british soilders went to boston to seize an arms cache paul revere and other riders sounded the alarms and-