
the realism

  • the bourgeois revolution

    the bourgeois revolution
    With the bourgeois revolution, a new way of representing all kinds of art began, such as painting, writing, among others, and although there had been three revolutions, all of them were due to nonconformity and inequality that caused a great fight so that they could see reached a conclusion
  • War of secession

    War of secession
    The United States and Great Britain were in conflict, giving rise to the problem of slavery, the rights of the states against the federal government, economic and cultural factors, among others, as the Confederates were divided by halves against the Union. It was given for the liberation or abolition of slavery and the unification of the country, where the northern states or forces of the Union were victorious and carried out the Industrial model in the country
  • The triple alliance war

    The triple alliance war
    The war of the triple alliance, in which Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, participated, was fundamental in realism, since while it began, the appearance of realism occurred in Europe, which during it the first initiations of realism were bequeathed to America.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    France lived the Second Empire under Napoleon III, Bonaparte's nephew. | There was a certain economic bonanza and the arts flourished in Paris | where academic painting was dominated by post romantic realism in which Edouard Manet caused two scandals in the | Salon where some paintings were rejected era were | "Lunch on the grass" and "Olympia" using light and bright colors making a great impression
  • the war of the pacific

    the war of the pacific
    In that war, there was the inclusion of realistic policies, which was that with power actions were carried out, having concluded this, competition and conflict became an essential phenomenon in foreign relations.