The Progression of Inclusion

  • Samuel Gridley Howe

    Samuel Gridley Howe
    A pioneer for his work with the blind, Samuel gained funding from state legislatures for his expansion of the Perkins Institute for the Blind to include students with intellectual disabilities.
  • Massachusets Law

    Massachusets Law
    During this year the 1st compulsory education law was passed in Massachusetts. Although the law was passed, at this time children with disabilities were still excluded from public schools across the United States.
  • Watson vs. The City of Cambridge

    Watson vs. The City of Cambridge
    Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules that a child who was "weak of mind" ,could be expelled from public school.
  • New Jersey Leads the Way!

    New Jersey Leads the Way!
    New Jersey becomes the first state to authorize a law requiring public schools to educate students with disabilities, although poorly enforced.
  • Class is Now in Session

    Class is Now in Session
    Grace Fernald creates the first clinic for remedial instruction at the University of California, Los Angeles. She uses tactile learning experiences to help struggling students.
  • The Council for Exceptional Children Begins

    The Council for Exceptional Children Begins
    This organization was formed by Ferrell and other teachers to advocate for the education of children with special needs. Special education is also now viewed as a profession.
  • Brown vs. The Board of Education

    Brown vs. The Board of Education
    This case deemed that separate is not equal, and public school must educate all. This case also allowed students with disabilities to contend that they are not getting adequate education.
  • Division of Handicapped Children and Youth

    Division of Handicapped Children and Youth
    During this year President John F. Kennedy initiated the Division of Handicapped Children and Youth in the Office of Education.
  • Mainstreaming Begins

    Mainstreaming Begins
    Students with mild disabilities are beginning to be mainstreamed to improve social skills.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Passes

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Passes
    This act is a civil rights law that ends discrimination on the basis of disability. It applies to many organizations and entities including elementary and secondary schools.
  • EHCA

    Education Of Handicapped Children Act Passed. This act provided funding to states that agreed to educate students with disabilities, established Free Appropriate Public Education(FAPE) in a least restrictive environment, and required schools to implement IEPs.
  • The Rise of Inclusion

    The Rise of Inclusion
    This rise begins to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in society.
  • IDEA

    The Individuals with Disabilities Act, formerly known as the Education of Handicapped Children Act, required transition plans be added to IEPs, adopted person first language, and said that legal action could be taken against states who violated this act.
  • IDEA Ammendments

    IDEA Ammendments
    These amendments allowed for parents to be given mediation prior to due process hearings and added disciplinary provisions.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Stated that ALL students must be held to high expectations and those students with mild disabilities must pass state assessments.
  • ESSA-Every Student Succeeds Act

    ESSA-Every Student Succeeds Act
    This act declares that States can pick which goals they use as long as they address test proficiency.
  • Inclusion and Beyond

    Inclusion and Beyond
    Inclusion has progressed from small beginnings of laws, to now educators, lawmakers, and parents working hand in hand to make the best choices for our exceptional learners. Some tools that are currently being used at this time are differentiated instruction, continuum of special education services, as well as the RTI model. These tools not only assist educators to reach their students in the best way possible,but they also are propelling inclusion in our current learning environments today.