George washington portrait

The Presidency of George Washington

  • Washington's Inaguration

    Washington's Inaguration
    Geroge Washington was inagurated in New York City. Not only setting a precedent of holding his hand on a bible while swearing he also added "So help me god" to the oath.
  • The French revolution begins

    The French revolution begins
    The French revolution never officialy started until the storming of the Bastille. But everything began at the estates meeting on May, 5th, 1789. Marking the begining of the French revolution.
  • The battle of Fallen Timbers

    The battle of Fallen Timbers
    This is the final battle that put down the Native American confederation in the area of present day Ohio. Three thousand Americans led by General Anthony Wayne squashed the Native rebellion in the area. Gaining the territory of Ohio for the Union.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    In the midst of war between France and the British colonial ships were being seized by the British Navy. By sending John Jay to Britian the Americans were able to avoid war and stay neutral beween the war with France and England.
  • The Greeneville Treaty

    The Greeneville Treaty
    Not only was General Anthony sucessful in ending the native rebelion he also claimed much terriory from the Natives. Taking a major victory for the Americans.
  • Washington retires

    Washington retires
    On his second term as president Washington retired out of his own choice. Setting the precedent of only staying in office for two terms.
  • Alien and Sedition acts

    Alien and Sedition acts
    The Alien and Sedition acts were put into affect by John Admas restricting the power of imigrants in the country and false statements about the president in the press would be considered a danger to national security.
  • Jefferson is elected President

    Jefferson is elected President
    Thomas Jefferson beat out John Adams only by having one of his delegates convinceing the other federalists not to vote for Adams. This was just one of the many factors that lead to Jefferson winning the election. Among those were Adams many mistakes such as the Alien and Sedition acts.