Another pic of the persian wars   gezelle

The Persian Wars

  • 490 BCE

    The Battle of Marathon

    The Battle of Marathon
    The Persians attacked due to a desire to have more land for their colony. They sent Pheidippides, a pro runner to seek help from the Spartans but they declined, leaving Athens on it's own. But they won a victory with their plan and speed before Persian soliders were able to reach Athenian land. This picture tells how the Greeks plan was to copy the Persian's key strategies. They focused best troops in the center of their formation.
  • 481 BCE

    The Battle of Thermopylae

    The Battle of Thermopylae
    In this 2nd battle, decided to become defensive due to their large army of 180,00 men and 1200 ships. The Athenians gained help from the Spartans and went into battle but then a Greek traitor led Persian forces along a mountain path where they were trapped between Persian forces. They fought but in the end, all were killed, leaving Athens in defeat. This picture shows how Athens fight for their life against Persia but end of losing due to their large amount of men.
  • 480 BCE

    The Battle of Salamis

    The Battle of Salamis
    From the defeat at Thermopylae, Athens evacuated to a large island called, Salamis. Navy men gathered for the Persians to fleet. The Athenians knew so much more about the water then them, so they tricked them leaving them stuck in waters for them to quickly attack. They used their knowledge in geography, leaving them at an advantage to lead in a great victory against the Persians. This pic tells how Athens won through the use of their knowledge of geography in the waters to defeat the Persian's.
  • 478 BCE

    Creation of the Delian League

    Creation of the Delian League
    After the 3 battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis, Athens created an alliance called the, 'Delian League'. It involved with multiple Greek-city states and coming out of this, it would create a stronger defense to prevent future invasions from the Persians. This picture shows the the gathering of an alliance to defeat the Persians.