The outsiders

The Outsiders Project

  • Event 1

    Event 1
    Ponyboy a (greaser) is walking home from the movies . While walking home he gets jumped by some socs . Luckily , some other memebers from the gang comes and saves him .
  • Event 2

    Ponyboy gets hit by Darry his older brother for coming home late , Him and Johnny runs away to the park .
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    As ponyboy and johnny were leaving some socs pull up and they started to fight . Ponyboy is about to drown by Bob a (soc) until Johnny somes and stab Bob . He dies , they run for Dallys help . Dally give ponyboy dry clothes and them money , tells them to get on a train to the next town and lay low until he comes .
  • Event 4

    Event 4
    Ponyboy wakes up and Johnny is nowhere to be found in the church . Johnny comes back shortly after ponyboy wakes up and has food and supplies , Ponyboy get his hair cut and dyed to change there description
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    Dally is taking them back to the church and it is on fire ! Johnny and Ponyboy goes to save the children , Johhny gets stuck and Dally goes and drag him out.
  • Event 6

    Johnny and Dally had to be in the hosiptal . Dally was in minor conditions , But Johnny was in Serouis conditions . Meanwhile at the hospital Sodapop and Darry show up to vist .
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    Ponyboy and Two-Bit go to the hospital , surprisingly Johnny mother is there . Johnny was upest so he pass out . Dally ask for Two-Bits knife cause he wants to be in the rumble . Two-Bit and Ponyboy takes a bus home . They see Cherry and her and Ponyboy have a little talk .
  • Event 8

    The Greasers get cleaned up for the rumble .They walk to the rumble and its about to start . Dally snuck out of the hosipital to fight in it . The greasers won and socs run . Dally rushes Ponyboy to the hosiptial to see Johnny he's about to die . They make it before he dies , Johnny tells him "Stay Gold Ponyboy" and dies . Dally is very upset .
  • Event 9

    Ponyboy walks around confused about Johhny dying . He gets a ride home from a man . When he gets home he tells them johnny died then passes out from exhaustion .
  • Event 10

    Three days later Ponyboy wakes up to his brothers . He has some people from school come visit him , the most shcoking visit was
    Randy Bob's friend . He talks about the court day and what hes going to say and wants Ponyboy to tell the truth . Meanwhile Ponyboys grades and behavior has changed , his english teacher tells him he can do a final writing and he writes about what happened to him in the past couple of months