The odyssey  1996

The Odyssey Timeline

  • Troy

  • Cicones

  • Lotus

  • Cyclops

  • Aeolus

    Aeolus was the god of wind.
  • Ithaca

    Odysseus went to Ithaca.
  • Laestrygones

  • Aeaea Circe

    Aeaea Circe
    Circe, the goddess, was a seducer and had wild animals tame. Later, she turns some of Odysseus's crew into pigs.
  • Land of the Dead

    Land of the Dead
    Odysseus and his men went to the Land of the Dead. While he was there he saw many people he knew, including his own mother.
  • Back to Circe

    Back to Circe
    Odysseus and his men went back to Circe.
  • Sirens & Scylla & Charybolis

    Sirens & Scylla & Charybolis
    Odysseus was warned that the sirens, who were half woman half bird would make him want to commit suicide. So as everyone else put beeswax into their ears to protect themselves, odyseus just tied himself to a pole because he wanted to hear them.
  • Helios's Cattle & Zeus

    Helios's Cattle & Zeus
    Although Odysseus was warned not to eat Helios's cattle, he fell asleep and him men ate the cows. So Zeus struck down their ship.
  • Calypso

    Calypso, a goddess, seduced Odysseus and persuaded him to stay for 7 years!
  • Back to Penelope

    Back to Penelope
    Odysseus returns home to his wife, Penelope, who has many suitors. He also meets his child, Telemachus.