The New Republic

  • Alexnder Hamilton

    Alexnder Hamilton
    He was born british but then became one of the founding fathers. amazing how he changed.
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    Articles Of Confederation

    They created a state and central government. The U.S. took place of the articles on March 4, 1789.
  • End of the American Revolution

    End of the American Revolution
    The Revoultionary War ended with the treaty of Paris. Both the U.S. and England went to Paris and signed a treaty to end the war.
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    Ratification of the Constitution

    They had to prove to the people that the Constitution was fare and would work out, so they debated about it and eventually it passed. they decided to do this instead of revise the article of confederation.
  • George Washington take office of President

    George Washington take office of President
    This was the first inauguration in U.S. history. This was also a big point in U.S. history because it gave the U.S. a feeling of truly becoming an independent nation.
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    Whiskey Rebellion

    (Could not find exact date). This was during Wahingtons presidency. Farmers started paying for things using whiskey instead of currency. Atax was put up to tax the people who payed with whiskey so that the nation could get out of debt.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    Was the final battle in the Northwest Indian war in which the Americans won.
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    Jay's Treaty

    This was a treaty between America and England to tie up some things that the Treaty of Paris did not.
  • Pickney's treaty

    Pickney's treaty
    Declared friendship between Spain and the U.S. It also defined the bounderies between the two countries.Finally it gave the U.S. the rights to use the Mississippi river.
  • George Wahington leaves office

    George Wahington leaves office
    He left after serving two terms and did so because he did not want the people to think of him as a king
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    This is a big point in his life because he went from being a vice president to being the president.
  • X,Y,Z Affair with France

    X,Y,Z Affair with France
    During the time while John Adams was president. the Americans took this as an insult. this some how lead do an undeclared naval war which lasted 2 years.
  • Alien Sedition acts

    Alien Sedition acts
    These were 4 acts passed by the federalists that made it even harder for people to become American citizens.
  • Virginia resolutions

    Virginia resolutions
    Was ment to show that the states had rights. Was written by Jefferson and Madison. (not sure on full date)
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    This is the date that he became the president of the U.S. It is an important time in his life becasue he is holding the higest job in his life at this time.
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    As John Adams ran for re-election he was beaten by the democrate republican Thomas Jefferson.
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    Barbary War

    (not sure on exact date). Was the first war fought between the U.S. and the North African Berber Muslims.
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    Marbury vs. Madison

    This was the first time that the judicial branch was put to the test in how it would work. Also the first time to how checks and balences would work out.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The U.S. purchased this land from the frech. It was 828,000 square miles and we paid less than 3 cents per acre for it.
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    British Impressment

    (Not sure on exact date). The British would board U.S. ships and then take the men and force them to fight in their army.
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    Lewis and Clark

    (Not sure on exact date). During this time they both were trying to find a safeway to the Pacific ocean. on there journey they made friends with the natives and learned how to live off the land.
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    War of 1812

    America declares war on Britain because Britain has helped the indians in a different war, they are inflicting suffering on American trad, and also because of the impressment.