The Mexican Revolution

  • Porfirio becomes president again

    The country was ready to overthrow Diaz because of lack of upward mobility, foregin domination of industry, concentration of agricultural land in few hands, and economic recession.Revolution was started by Franscisco Madero.
  • Madero re-entered Mexico from Texas

    Diaz began to try to depicted Madero as a radical revolutionary. The Mexican Army recruits unpassionate and ill trained recruits.
  • Pascual Orozco leads revolution against Madero

    Villa and Huerta defeat Orozco and Huerta is made the leader of the Mexican Army. Madero relies off the army for his survival.
  • Orozco Defeated by Huerta

    He flees to the United States. Many clashes between Villa and Huerta so Villa is imprisoned.
  • Villa escapes prison

    Pancho Villa escapes prison. Huerta became obvious of his schemes.
  • Madero Murdered

    He is seen as a martyr. He was killed by Pancho Villa.
  • United States forces occupy Vera Cruz

    Venustinano Carranza led a revolt against Huerta. Villa joined with Carranza and they won many battles.
  • The Bloodiest Battle

    The bloodiest battle between Huerta and Villa at Zacatecas.
  • Huerta goes into exile

    With Huerta's exile, Carranza took over as provisional president of Mexico. Villa announced he would not recognize the Carranza government.
  • Constitutional Convention

    The convention was located in Aguascalientes. Carranza was declared to be in rebellion because he refused to share power.
  • Villa and Zapata Control Mexico

    Villa and Zapata took control of Mexico City. A regin of terror ensued, discrediting both men.
  • Carranza Rebelling

    Carranza is said to be rebelling and the people put Villa in charge of overthrowing Carranza.
  • Villa nor Zapata want presidency

    Both revolutionary leaders claim they have no desire for presidency of Mexico.Villa agrees to the plan of Ayala.
  • Obregon defeated Villa

    Obregon defeated Pancho Villa, driving him out of Mexico City.
  • Recognition From the US

    The US recognized the Carranza government. Villa turned to guerilla warfare.
  • Villa began raiding again

    Atrocities done by Villa's men caused the peasants against him.
  • Last US soldier

    The last United States soldier left Mexico.