
The Life Of Isaac Newton

  • Sir Isaac Newton Is Born

    Sir Isaac Newton Is Born
    Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in the Hamlet of Woolsthorpe, England.
  • Isaac Newton Goes to Trinity College

    Isaac Newton Goes to Trinity College
    Isaac Newton Goes to Trinity College.
  • Sir Isaac Newton Finished College

    Sir Isaac Newton Finished College
    Sir Isaac Newton Finished College at Trinity.
  • Sir Issac Newton Is Elected President Of The Royal Society

    Sir Issac Newton Is Elected President Of The Royal Society
  • Isaac Newton Makes His First Scientific Acheivement

    Sir Isaac Newton Makes His First Scientific Acheivement On His Reflecting Telescope.
  • Isaac Newton Observes Halley's Comet

    Isaac Newton Observes Halley's Comet
    Isaac Newton Observes Halley's Comet
  • Published Philosophae Naturalis Principa Mathematica

    Published Philosophae Naturalis Principa Mathematica
    Philosophae Naturalis Principa Mathematica was said to be one of the most influental books in ALL of science.
  • Knighted By Queen Anne

    Knighted By Queen Anne
    Sir Isaac Newton was knighted by Queen Anne in 1705
  • Sir Isaac Newton Dies

    Sir Isaac Newton Dies
    Isaac Newton Died on March 31, 1727 at the age of 85 of digestion problems.