220px portrait of george washington

The Life and Events of George Washington

  • George Washington is born

    George Washington is born
    George Washington is born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He is born to Augustine Washington and Mary Ball, the eldest of the couple's 6 children (http://www.biography.com/people/george-washington-9524786). The house pictured is the George Washington Birthplace National Memorial, most likely slightly more elegant than the one he lived in. George's birth is obiviously significant because if he was never born he couldn't have done the all-important work that he did.
  • George Washington becomes Culpeper County's official surveyor

    George Washington becomes Culpeper County's official surveyor
    On this day, Washington became the official surveyor of Culpeper County, Virginia. He had worked as an assistant surveryor for about 2 years before this (http://gwpapers.virginia.edu/project/faq/govern.html). Washington loved this career. This was historically significant because when he grew older, he longed to retire to Mount Vernon and continue his career as a farmer. His love of farming was partially derieved from his experience as a surveyor.
  • Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity

    Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity
    Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity by flying a kite with an iron key attached to one end in a thunderstorm. He collected a charge in a Leyden jar as proof of this discovery (http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/franklin-flies-kite-during-thunderstorm). This event was historically significant because Franklin later developed other inventions such as the lightning rod, that stemed off of the basis of this discovery.
  • Samuel Johnson publishes the first English Lanuage Dictionary

    Samuel Johnson publishes the first English Lanuage Dictionary
    The first English Language Dictionary was published by Samuel Johnson on this day. He had spent nine years writing it (http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/Eighteenth.htm). This is historically significant because the English Language Dictionary is constantly evolving and it all can be traced back to this edition of the dictionary. Also, the dictionary is a staple in literature, reading, writing, and general education.
  • Colonel George Washington defends the wounded General Edward Braddock

    Colonel George Washington defends the wounded General Edward Braddock
    On this date (http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/george-washington/timeline.html), the British army was ambushed by Indians using Gorilla Warfare tactics. General Edward Braddock was one of the many wounded by the Indian attack, in the General's absense, Colonel Washington took command of the remaining British soldiers, rallying them up and ultimately escaping. This was historically significant because it was Washington's first expierience commanding an army.
  • George Washington marries Martha Dandridge Custis

    George Washington marries Martha Dandridge Custis
    George Washington gets married to his only wife, Martha Dandrige Curtis (better known as Martha Washington). George proposed to Martha after knowing her for only about 3 weeks, they were both 27. He met her while on leave from the French and Indian War (http://marriage.about.com/od/presidentialmarriages/p/gwashington.htm). This is historically significant because it was a milestone in George Washington's life. During his political and military careers George often depended on Martha for support.
  • Benjamin Franklin invents Bifocal Lenses

    Benjamin Franklin invents Bifocal Lenses
    On this day Benjamin Franklin completed the first pair of bifocal glasses lenses. In his old age Franklin had trouble seeing distances and up close, to prevent the job of switching between glasses he figured out a way to fit both lenses into one frame (http://inventors.about.com/od/fstartinventors/ss/Franklin_invent_4.htm). This is historically signififcant because it revolutionized the convenience of glasses at the time. It has effected glasses production and consumption up to the present day.
  • James Hargreaves patents the Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves patents the Spinning Jenny
    This event took place in England (Europe). James Hargreave patents a 16 spindle Spinning Jenny, twice the amount of spindles as the traditional 8. This invention was historically significant because it decreased the labor necessary by spinners, the textile industry became even more lucrative as a result. It also was partially responsible for the inventon of yarn because the threads that it produced were very coarse (http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blspinningjenny.htm).
  • Period: to

    The Siege of Boston, led by General George Washington

    George Washington led the Siege of Boston in this timespan. He led his army and forced the British to retreat to Boston Harbor. This ultimately led to Washington's army driving the British out of the city by evacuation (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110915174815AAxAaAT). This is historically significant because it was a major turning point inthe war for the Americans. It also gave the Americans the chance to organize themselves and prepare for the enevitable British attack.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

    George Washington leads his Continental Army against the Britsh army in America's fight for independence, The war was long and grueling, lasting over 8 years (Rostek, Schmittroth 486). This is historically significant because it won America it's independence and proved to the rest of the world that America was not the feeble, week country that most people thought it to be. This was where George Washington made his first and biggest mark in history, solidifying America as its own country.
  • George Washington is elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army

    George Washington is elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
    The Second Continental Congress unanimosly voted to make Washington the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. This assignment came not long after Washington joined both the First and Second Continental Congresses (http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/george-washington-assigned-to-lead-the-continental-army). This is historically significant because Washington goes on to lead the Continental Army to victory over the British in the Revolutionary War, which won America it's independence.
  • Captain James Cook departs on historic voyage

    Captain James Cook departs on historic voyage
    On this date Captain James Cook departs on his voyage to chart the Alaskan Coast. On this same voyage, he also becomes the first European to explore Hawaii (http://libweb5.princeton.edu/visual_materials/maps/websites/pacific/cook3/cook3.html). This is historically signififcant because Hawaii would later become part of the United States, as well as Alaska. The maps that he map would be critical to the further exploration of these places, both destined to become apart of the United States.
  • George Washington elected President of Constitutional Convention

    George Washington elected President of Constitutional Convention
    George Washington was elected President of the Constitutional Convention by the delegates. This brought Washington out of retirment. The new Constitution called for a president, so almost as soon as it was ratified Washington was unanimously elected president of the country. This was historically significant because the new Constitution solved many problems in the United States government system, most of them caused by the Articles of Confederation (Rostek, Schmittroth 485-486).
  • George Washington becomes the first President of the United States

    George Washington becomes the first President of the United States
    George washington was unanimously elected the first president of the United States by the Electoral College. He took his oath on Federal Hall in New York. This election came after the new Constitution was ratified. Washington was the President of the Constitutional Convention and played a key role in producing the new Constitution (Rostek, Schmittroth 486). This is historically significant because Washingon was the first U.S. President and set the basis for the position in the future.
  • George Washington begins his second term as President of the United States

    George Washington begins his second term as President of the United States
    On this day George Washington began his second term as president. He was once again unanimously voted in, a huge favorite with the Americans. Washington encountered criticism for the first time This was historically significant because Washington would go on to do more great things for his country in his second term and more importantly, he continued to create history, there was no limit to a President's terms then, so he became the first President to serve 2 terms (Rostek, Schmittroth 488).
  • Edward Jenner creates a Smallpox vaccination

    Edward Jenner creates a Smallpox vaccination
    This event took place in England (Europe). After Edward Jenner created this vaccine he tested in on a boy by injecting him with the virus and the vaccine. The boy developed Smallpox and was cured, the vaccine had worked. This invention was historically significant because it drammatically decreased the amount of Smallpox cases and deaths as a result of Smallpox. It soon became the only treatment administered for Smallpox in Britain (http://kidsneedscience.tumblr.com/post/23036049966/vaccine).
  • George Washington publishes his Farewell Address

    George Washington publishes his Farewell Address
    George Washington refuses a third term as President (leaves Thomas Jefferson (Federalists) and John Adams (Democratic-Republicans) vying to be the 2nd President) and publishes his Farwell Address to the people of the United States in the Philadelphia American Daily Advertiser (Degregorio 11) With this, Washington had announced his retirement. This was historically significant because it marked the end of the marvelous career of George Washington.
  • George Washington dies

    George Washington dies
    George Wsahington died in Mount Vernon, Virginia. He died of acute epiglottitis between the hours of ten and eleven on December 14th 1799, at 67. The picture is of Washington on his deathbed, surrounded by doctors and loved ones (http://gwpapers.virginia.edu/articles/wallenborn.html). George's funeral was on December 18th 1799. George's death is historically important because it marked the end of an era. Washington was one of if not the most important man in the history of the United States.