The keyboard

By NeoB
  • The Keyboard being invented

    The manual keyboard was invented 1868. However the electronic keyboard(the kind we use today on our computers) was invented in 1948.(Source ) The original keyboard was made of vulcanized rubber and wood. Aswell as metall alloy for the moving parts.( Source
    (Source for picture is )
  • The first innovation

    The first innovation
    As the computer was emerging as a customer friendly product, so did the keyboard. The keyboard made a switch from ink to punch cards.[Pictured above is the first computer to use punch cards] (Both the picture and information are from
  • Text to Screen created for keyboards

    Text to Screen created for keyboards
    Bell Labs and M.I.T created a text to screen interface for keyboards. Which made it easier for more people to work together.( The picture and summary are all courtesy of )
  • Keyboard Boom

    Keyboard Boom
    Apple, Radio Shack and Commodore realized that keyboards were the future of computers. They all starting making them more faster and easier to make.( The summary is courtesy of
    while the picture[its a thumbnail] is from )
  • IBM's Succes with Model M

    IBM's Succes with Model M
    IBM released its first computer with the very popular Model M. It was easy for people to use and it didn't require typewriter converter. IBM sold Key enlargers so that pressing keys like "shift" and "enter" would be easier. Though the only colors were gray and beige.(Source )
  • SHHH-be quiet....and light

    SHHH-be quiet....and light
    Between now and the 1990's there was an innovation of making the keyboard light weight and quieter. Apple today has a decently quiet and weightless keyboard for an example. This makes the keyboard more useful for the average person, you can use it for recreational purposes or for businesses. ( Source )
  • Extra more smaller innovations

    Extra more smaller innovations
    We have gotten so far as to water-proof keyboards, fold able, thumb size, and even laser keyboards. They evolution of technology for the keyboard will not stop. These innovations were made to make the product more sell-able and usable in the real world, instead of just fantasy (Source and my personal opinion).