
The Jamestown Story

By Ariona
  • The Begining

    The Begining
    The first permanent British settlement in North America was completed in Jamestown,Virginia on May 14,1607
  • Jamestown complition

    Jamestown complition
    The Jamestown fort was completed
  • A desperate situation

    A desperate situation
    Smith comes back to the James Fort to only find 38 of an origanal 104 settlers still there
  • Smith got elected

    Smith got elected
    Smith got elected to be president of the Virginia Council. He set some rules which required men to work if they wanted to eat.
  • The Starving Time

    The Starving Time
    The winter of 1609 was called The Starving Time. During this time over 80 percent of the colony's 500 settlers died
  • New Arrival

    New Arrival
    Sir Thomas Gates,Goerge Somers,William Strachey and 100 new settlers arrive on two big ships and arrive with alot of patience
  • In London

    In London
    Rolfe and pocahontas (Rebbeca) go to London. The Virginia Company insitutes the headright system, it gives 50 acers to anyone who would pay fare and an additional 50 acres for any person brought with Rolfe
  • First meeting

    First meeting
    The Virginia House of Burgesses meets for the first time ever
  • Attack

    The Powatan Indian attack kills 347 colonists, setting off a war that lasted ten years.
  • The Seaflower gets blown up

    The Seaflower gets blown up
    The Seaflower is blown up because the negligence of the captains son in burmuda