The inventors of the industrial revolution

  • Thomas Newcomen

    Thomas Newcomen
    was "baptized" on Feb. 28, 1664 and died aug. 5, 1729. Through his life he became an british engineer and invented the atmospheric steam engine a pursuctor of james watt's engine which was patented in 1698.
  • Abraham darby

    Abraham darby
    British ironmaster who first successfully smelted iron ore with coke.
  • John kay

    John kay
    English machinist and engineer, inventor of the flying shuttle, which was an important step toward automatic weaving.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton
    British inventor of the spinning mule, which permitted large-scale manufacture of high-quality thread and yarn.
  • Richard Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright
    Born Dec. 23, 1732 and died aug. 3, 1792. Used power-driven machinery and employment of a factory system of production. Everything he did succeded in 1782.
  • James watt

    James watt
    Scottish instrument maker and inventor whose steam engine contributed substantially to the Industrial Revolution. He was elected fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1785.
  • Eli whitney

    Eli whitney
    Was born on Dec. 8, 1765 and died on jan. 8 1825, He was an american inventor, mechanical engineer, inventing the cottin gin and mass production of interchangable parts.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    English engineer and principal inventor of the railroad locomotive.
  • Robert owen

    Robert owen
    invented the wrench, which was used to remove bolts and other things and is replacing 30 men. He was grown up working in factories.
  • Elias Howe

    Elias Howe
    He was born on July 9, 1819 and died on oct. 3, 1867. He was an american inventor whose sewing machine helped revolutionize garment manufacturing.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Was the philosophy known as "dialectal materialism", with which he claculated that communism was the ultimate and inescapable final form of society.
  • John wesley

    John wesley
    He was an american invetnor and industrrialist who discovered the process for making celluliod, the first artificial plastic.