Interwar period

The interwar period

  • Period: to

    Germany: Weimar Republic

  • Period: to

    USSR: Lenin

  • Period: to

    Italy: Monarchy of Victor Emmanuel III

  • Period: to

    USA: Roaring Twenties

  • Founding of NSDAP

    Founding of NSDAP
    In Munich, on February 24, 1920, Hitler publicly announced the Program of the 25 points of the NSDAP (National German Socialist Workers Party), when the Nazis still remained under the name of DAP (German Workers' Party).
  • Founding of National Fascist Party

    Founding of National Fascist Party
    El Partido Nacional Fascista fue un partido político italiano, creado por Benito Mussolini como la expresión política del fascismo.El partido gobernó Italia desde 1922 cuando los fascistas tomaron el poder con la Marcha de Roma hasta 1943, cuando Mussolini fue depuesto por el Gran Consejo del Fascismo.
  • French occupation of the Ruhr

    French occupation of the Ruhr
    In January 1923, the French and Belgian armies sent 60,000 soldiers into the Ruhr region of Germany. The French aimed to extract the unpaid reparations and took control of key industries and natural resources. The Weimar Government instructed the Ruhr workers to go on strike, instead of helping the French.
  • March on Rome

    March on Rome
    The march on Rome was a march to Rome, organized by Benito Mussolini, then leader of the National Fascist Party, between October 27 and 29, 1922, which brought him to Italian power.
  • Period: to

    Italy: Benito Mussolini, Il Duce of Italy

  • Death of Lenin

    Death of Lenin
    Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin), communist leader and founder of the Soviet Union, died on January 21, 1924, in Moscow, at the age of 53 years. His funeral, developed in January 1924, was followed by a cortege that toured Moscow and the participation of people. His body is preserved embalmed.
  • The Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Plan
    Plan Dawes is the program established on April 9, 1924, under the auspices of the United States to get the winning allies of the First World War (especially Great Britain, France, and the US) to get their repairs war established in the Treaty of Versailles, while at the same time sought to stabilize the economy of Germany and avoid further damage as a result of such payments.
  • Period: to

    USSR: Power Struggle (Trotsky/Stalin)

  • Period: to

    USSR: Stalin´s dictatorship

  • Forced collectivisation Gulags

    Forced collectivisation Gulags
    The Gulag was a system of forced labor camps established during Joseph Stalin's long reign as dictator of the Soviet Union. The word “Gulag” is an acronym for Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei, or Main Camp Administration
  • Period: to

    USA: Great depression

  • President Roosevelt

    President Roosevelt
    He is remembered for his exuberant personality, his breadth of interests and achievements, his cowboy personality, his masculinity and his leadership of the Progressive Movement, a period of social activism and reform in the United States. He was leader of the Republican Party and founder of the ephemeral Progressive Party of 1912.
  • Period: to

    Germany: Nazi Dictatroship

  • Period: to

    USA: New deal

  • Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the Third reid

    Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the Third reid
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Invasion of Ethiopia
    The Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, also called the Second Italo-Ethiopian War was a seven-month armed conflict, between October 1935 and May 1936. It is a sample of the expansionist policy that is characterized in the Axis Powers and the inefficiency of the League of Nations before the outbreak of World War II.