The Holocaust LWilliams

  • Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany
    President Paul Von Hindenburg elects Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler was kept waiting for a long time, and when he was elected, he shouted to his supporters, "We've done it!".
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Boycott of Jewish Businesses
    When the Nazis came to power, thwy staged an economic boycott on all jewish Germans, as revenge for "atrocity stories" created tlo destroy the Nazi gov't.
  • Dachau opens

    Dachau opens
    The concentration camp, Dachau, is opened. It is controlled by Theodor Eich, and it's motto was "work sets you free."
    It originally held so-called "enemies of the state". The camp was meant to reform the prisoners, and set them free so they could be useful to the fatherland.
  • Nuremberg race laws passed

    Nuremberg race laws passed
    These laws made jews change their names, carry identification cards, and register their businesses'. They also prevented Jews from having German citizenship.
  • Kristallnacht

    Jewish owned shops, homes, and businesses are looted and destroyed. Governmnet sanctioned attack on Jewish population. Windows smashed covering the street in broken glass, hence the name Kristallnacht.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    On Seotember first, German forces invade Poland. This was the beginning of Hitlers "Blitzkrieg Strategy". After Poland was taken, concentration camps opened, and the SS was sent to eliminate any resistance.
  • Auschwitz 1 Concentration Camp Established

    Auschwitz 1 Concentration Camp Established
    The first Auschwitz camp is opened, and was composed of 22 prewar brick buildings, and expanded over 40 square kilometers, and held 135,000 people.
  • "Final Solution" begins

    "Final Solution" begins
    Hitlers final solution is to systematically eliminate the Jewish population in Nazi occupied Europe. In the USSR, the killers came to the victims, while in Germany, the victims were brought to the killers.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    Liberation of Auschwitz
    The Auschwitz Concentration camp was liberated by Soviet forces following the retreat and abandonment of the camp by the Nazi party.