
The Holocaust

  • The Nazis came into power

    The Nazis came into power
    The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed inferior. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust
  • Burning of the Reichstag's

    Burning of the Reichstag's
    A communist was blamed by Hitler for burning down the building. Which was the final straw of showing Germans and other people jew were bad.
  • Jews are not aloud of the Fronts

    Jews are not aloud of the Fronts
    Jews are banned from the German Labor Front
  • Night of Long Knives

    Night of Long Knives
    The Night of Long Knives occurs as Hitler, Göring and Himmler conduct a purge of the SA (storm trooper) leadership.
  • Jews are banned from Military

    Jews are banned from Military
    Nazis ban Jews from serving in the military.
  • The Nuremberg Race Laws

    The Nuremberg Race Laws
    The laws also made it forbidden for Jews to marry or have sexual relations with Aryans or to employ young Aryan women as household help.
  • Poland is invaded

    Poland is invaded
    Hitler invades Poland after and saying he is done taking land
  • Germany Establishes the First ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland

    Germany Establishes the First ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
    This is the first place Hitler would take the Jews that were caught before taking them to concentration camps