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The Holocaust

  • Hitler is appointed chancellor.

    Hitler is appointed chancellor.
    Hitler had gained power in Germany over the span of a couple years. This allowed him to convince the president to appoint him as chancellor.
  • Dachau is established.

    Dachau is established.
    Dachau, the first official Nazi concentration camp, is created. This is where Jewish people would be sent to be exterminated.
  • Boycott of Jewish Business

    Boycott of Jewish Business
    On April 1st, a boycott on Jewish goods was implemented. It was unsuccessful but showed the Nazis' intent to give the Jewish population a harder time in Germany.
  • Hitler proclaims himself as Fuhrer and chancellor.

    Hitler proclaims himself as Fuhrer and chancellor.
    After naming himself Fuhrer, all armed forces must swear an allegiance to Hitler. Hitler now has all power in the country of Germany and any other territories.
  • Jewish people barred from serving in German armed forces.

    Jewish people barred from serving in German armed forces.
    Jewish people could no longer serve in the German armed forces after May 31, 1935. This is another for of discrimination against Jewish people.
  • Nuremberg laws are enforced.

    Nuremberg laws are enforced.
    The Nuremberg laws in Germany took Jewish peoples' citizenship away. It also told Jewish people they could not marry outside of Jewish communities. These were the first official laws against Jewish people in Germany.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camps open.

    Buchenwald Concentration Camps open.
    The Buchenwald concentration camp was opened in the summer of 1937. It became one of the largest and most used concentration camps during the Holocaust.
  • Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)

    Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
    On the night of November 9th, many Jewish shops and businesses were terrorized. Nazi soldiers broke windows of the shops owned by Jewish people. This caused them to never reopen the stores in fear of being persecuted.
  • Auschwitz

    Auschwitz concentration camp is established. Auschwitz would become arguably the most prominent concentration camp.
  • Extermination by Gas at Belzec

    Extermination by Gas at Belzec
    By this time, more than 1,000,000 Jewish people had already been slaughtered.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces stormed the beach at Normandy. This started their attack on the Axis forces. A month earlier, 300,000 Jewish people had been sent to Auschwitz.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    On April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide. By the end of the war, upwards of 6,000,000 Jewish people had been murdered.