The Holocaust

By jabicho
  • 1933

    In 1933 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. In that year also the Nazis opened a concentration camp for Jews. Also they tried to abolish any type of ideas that appear to be against of them, they burned books, they imprison people, besides homeless and alcoholics. Finalley the Germans created laws prohibited the Jews from working in almost any type of work, most importantly as newspapers editors or land-owners
  • 1935

    In 1935 the Nazis introduced the Nuremberg Laws, which prohibited the Jews to marry and to have sexual relationships with non-Jews, also they were no longer considered as German citizens, even they were considered as another type of race, an inferior race. Finally Jews were no allowed in German military.
  • 1936

    Next, in 1936, voting rights were taken away fron Jews. also that year the Olympic Games were held in Germany. Another concentration camp was created, The Sachsenhausen camp.
  • 1937

    That year the Buchenwald concentration camp. The "Eternal Jew" exhibition portrayed the Jews as the leaders of the international Bolshevism, with the goal of destroying Germany,
  • 1938

    The nazis destroyed the jewish synagogue in Munich, and 30,000 jews were arrested and sent to the concentration camp.
  • 1939

    Hitler invaded Poland, Britain and france declared war on Nazi Germany, The Second War Started, Austrin and Czech jews were deported to Poland.
  • 1941

    Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the United States entered the 2nd World War.
  • 1942

    Jews were barred from keeping electrical equipment, buying food, attending schools, and using public trasportation.
  • 1943

    Extermination stopped at Treblinka concentration camp after kiling 870000 people. First crematorium at Auschwitz began functioning.
  • 1944

    440000 Hungarian Jews were sent to Auschwitz. 100000 were gased by May 24.
  • 1945

    Jewish woman unable to walk were shoot Brodnica labor camp. The Soviet amry liberated the Auschwitz camp. Hitler committed suicide, The German army was defeated and the Second World War ended in Europe. The death camps were emptied. The Holocaust ended.
  • 1947

    The state of Israel was established in British controlled Palestine.