The History of Management

  • Invention of the Automobile

    Invention of the Automobile
    Gave people/families a quicker means of travel (i.e. to work or stores).
  • Electricity

    Gave people a more safer, cleaner, and convient way of lighting their homes etc.
  • Period: to

    Pre-Modern Era

  • Telephone

    Easier and more immediate form of communication.
  • Vacuum Cleaner

    Vacuum Cleaner
    Allowed for more time to complete other tasks. It also removed more bacteria etc. from the home.
  • Electric Iron

    Electric Iron
    Gave people a quicker way in making their clothing presentable.
  • Cooking Stoves (gas)

    Cooking Stoves (gas)
    Allowed for a safer form of cooking within the home.
  • Radio (broadcasting)

    Radio (broadcasting)
    Allowed people/families to be better informed with daily events.
  • First Refrigeratior for the Home

    First Refrigeratior for the Home
    Made food last longer and more readily available.
  • Washing Machines (Electric)

    Washing Machines (Electric)
    Cleaned clothing faster and allowed people more time to complete other tasks/chores.
  • Frozen Food

    Frozen Food
    These foods allowed people/families to save time with preparing food and allowed food to stay fresher for much longer periods of time.
  • Credit Card (Diner's Club)

    Credit Card (Diner's Club)
    Allowed families to make purchaces when they did not have the means.
  • Color Television (released to the public)

    Color Television (released to the public)
    TV offered people/families a different form of entertaninment within the home.
  • Period: to


  • TV Dinner (C.A. Swanson & Sons)

    TV Dinner (C.A. Swanson & Sons)
    Made meals extremely convenient. In addtion, the packaging could be thrown away, which would lesson the amount of time spent cleaning up the kitchen.
  • Microwave Oven

    Microwave Oven
    Allowed for easier and quicker cooking. This gave people/families more time to do other tasks.
  • Disposable Diapers (Pampers)

    Disposable Diapers (Pampers)
    Allowed families more time to spend with their children and less time spent with laundry washing.
  • Electronic Calculator

    Electronic Calculator
    Allowed people/families to manage their finances in a much easier and quicker way.
  • Video Games

    Video Games
    Allowed people/families to experience home entertainment in a new way. Since inventions exist that make life easier within the home people are allowed more time to partake in 1970's forms of entertainment.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    Allowed people/families to organize and store personal finances etc.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    Allowed people to better understand and manage things on their computers.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Would eventually allow people/families to shop, pay bills, and manage many different aspects of their lives.
  • Period: to

    Postmodern (early 21st century)

  • Camera Phone

    Camera Phone
    Allowed people to send and share photos and videos between family and friends. Made taking pictures or videos more accessible.
  • Birth Control Patch

    Birth Control Patch
    Allows for family planning in an easier and more convenient way.
  • Bluetooth Technology

    Bluetooth Technology
    Allowed people/families to exchange information and connect with other electronics in the home etc.
  • Roomba

    Allowed people/familes to have their homes cleaned while they engaged in other activities.
  • Skype

    Allows people ,families, and businesses to visually communicate with each other long distance.
  • YouTube

    Allows people/families to watch video tuturiols, get information, and provide entertainment.
  • Solar Shingles

    Solar Shingles
    Allows people/families to become more energy efficient and save money. It also looks more presentable than solar panels.
  • Android "Google Play" (Apps)

    Android "Google Play" (Apps)
    Offered people/families the ability to use apps to manage various aspects of life (education, finances, and information etc.)
  • Amazon Echo

    Amazon Echo
    Allows people or families quick and convient access to things, such as the news and weather etc.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    This allows people/families a more convenient form of time managment (to name a few).