The history of data journalism

By b.hmca
  • First example of data-driven journalism

    First example of data-driven journalism
    It consists on a table with the number of schools in Manchester and Salford, the number of pupils of each school and its average annual spending.
  • The development of infography

    The development of infography
    This graph shows the mortality in the British army
  • The beggining of computer assisted reporting

    The beggining of computer assisted reporting
    Journalists started to use computers to predict the results of the elections.
  • The use of computers to analyse data were spread.

    The use of computers to analyse data were spread.
  • Precision journalism by Meyer

    Precision journalism by Meyer
    Meyer started to apply statistical techniques to journalism and create the discipline of precision journalism.
  • Journalists as Doig or Jaspin worked in precission journalism

    Journalists as Doig or Jaspin worked in precission journalism
  • Data journalism is used in more and more newsrooms

    Data journalism is used in more and more newsrooms