The History Of Computers

  • 500


    The Egyptians created the Abacus 500=500bc
  • Pascaline Was Invented

    Pascaline Was Invented
    In 1642 Blaise Pascal invente the Pascaline, the first ever calculator
  • Lebniz Calculator Was Invented

    Lebniz Calculator Was Invented
    Gottfried Wilhelm invented the Lebniz calculator
  • Difference Engine Was Invented

    Difference Engine Was Invented
    Charles Babbage invented the Difference Engine
  • Vacum Tube

    Vacum Tube
    The first generation computers used these
  • Transistors

    The second generation computer was invented
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    The Integrated Circuit was invented, it is used in almost all wlwctronics today