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The History of Computers

  • Jan 1, 600


    The Abacas is invented, the first counting aid. It was made to help record who did what to how much an object was worth.
  • Jan 1, 1045

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    When the first printing press was invented, this led to faster message distribution, and a greater amount of information was processed, though it was still slow though, people were far more informed pamphlets.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Moveable Printing Press

    Moveable Printing Press
    First moveable printing press more accsessable by 1460, more portable and able to print things on the go, not at a single location, which led to faster message distribution.
  • First Long Distance Telegraph Line

    First Long Distance Telegraph Line
    First long distance telegraph line we could 'text' then as we do now... funny. anyways these were used to send info instantly! no more letters
  • Typewriter

    The typwriter came out and the world was revolutinised, books came out ideas spread and the only limt was cost, they started out costing a very pretty penny. about 70$ today.
  • First Telephone

    First Telephone
    First telephone, we could communicate at long distance with speech. no more texting till 2007!
  • First Mechaninical Calculator

    First Mechaninical Calculator
    First mechanical calcularor, it could only add though. now we couldnt live without them we have come...
  • First Progamable Computer.

    First Progamable Computer.
    The first progrmable computer was huge about the size of the average living rom.
  • Super computers

    Super computers
    First super computer introduced. they startbecoming more common.
  • The Invention of RAM

    The Invention of RAM
    RAM was invented making things start speeding up... literally.
  • The first apple computer

    The first apple computer
    The first computer is made, by apple anyways.
  • Dell.

    Dell made their first computer, and started their company... it grew quicly into what it is today.
  • Tablet PC

    Tablet PC
    The tablet was introduced by microsoft. it was a more mobile way to carry your stuff, and more easy for kids to use.
  • Today

    today we have lapops that were beyond our wildest dreams in the late 1900s and even the erly 2000s, and today we would not be a working society if not for computers.