The Founding Fathers: Thomas Jefferson

By Hwan
  • Reducing army and establishing West Point

    Reducing army and establishing West Point
    Thomas Jefferson signed to agree to build the united states military academy at west point.
  • Naturalization laws repealed

    Naturalization laws repealed
    Thomas Jefferson has repealed the Naturalization Act of 1798. At 1802, they made new Naturalization laws. This law ignored 1798 Naturalization Act, and let other country people come in. They also record who came in.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Thomas Jefferson signed the Enabling Act of 1802. This act was for Ohio let to become a one part of United States country. The act asked Ohio's western boundary to set it Scioto River.
  • Washington incorporated

    Washington incorporated
    Washington became a part of country in United states.
  • Monroe appointed minister of France and Spain

    Thomas Jefferson appointed James Monroe minister of France and Spain and told him to buy New Orleans and East and West Florida.
  • Ohio becomes a state

    Ohio becomes a state
    Ohio also became a part of United States. It was seventeenth state of Union
  • New Orleans opened

    New Orleans opened
    Spain has opened New Orleans again for American merchants.
  • Commodore Edward Preble becomes commander

    Commodore Edward Preble becomes commander
    Thomas Jefferson has commissions Commodore Edward Preble as commander of a U.S. Navy squadron, which has sent to battle Tripoli.
  • Raising the American flag

    Raising the American flag
    The raised U.S flag. It was Franch flag before, but they lowered it and raised U.S flag.
  • Ratifying the Twelfth Amendment

    The Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is officially ratified, for the new rules for presidental election of 1804.