
The Formation of my Government

  • King Mark III Comes to Power

    King Mark III Comes to Power
    On January 10, 1842 King Mark III came to power.
  • Citizen Uprising Against King Mark III

    Citizen Uprising Against King Mark III
    In March of 1842, the citizens began an uprising against the monarch, because of his corrupt use of power against the country.
  • King Mark III Abdicated

    King Mark III Abdicated
    King Mark III abdicated his thrown after two months of revolts form the citizens against his crown.
  • Walter Schmit's Plan

    Walter Schmit's Plan
    An American lawyer Walter Schmidt came up with a plan for a government led by the citizens, and began promoting his ideas to other men he saw fit to represent to the public.
  • Court Establishes Elected Officials

    Court Establishes Elected Officials
    Walter had success when the court held a vote the allowed the citizens to vote officials to represent them when it came to making decisions.
  • A Democratic Republic

    A Democratic Republic
    A new form of government is put in place and the country then becomes a democratic republic led by the citizens who are represented by the men they elected to lead their country.