Aboriginals 1906

The First Australians - The Aboriginals

  • First Contact

    First Contact
    The first ever recorded contact from the outside world.
    He was a Dutchman named Willem Janszoon. Picture of Willem Janszoon
  • Captain Cook

    Captain Cook
    Captain Cook sees the South Eastern Coast in his ship the HMS Endevaour. He names it New South Wales, a name which is stll used today. Picture of Captain James Cook
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet
    The First Fleet arrives at Camp Cove in the soon to be named Sydney. Over the next two days the other ships arrive and the fleet of seven wait ofshore for Captain Arthur Phillips order. Picture of Captain Arthur Phillip
  • Invasion Day

    Invasion Day
    The first English to step ashore, over the next few months diplmatic relations are attempted by the English with the indigenous but languages, the unknown and many more factors contribute to the horror of both Aboriginal and English deaths in small skirmishes. Picture of The First Fleet Landing
  • Smallpox

    Smallpox is unleashed upon the indigenous Aboriginals of Sydney, there are no facts that relate the English to the release of the Small Pox but there is alot of speculation that they purpousely unleashed it to destroy the population, if not then it must have come with The First Fleet itself. It's said that only three people of the Cadigal Clan, the tribe that inhabited Camp Cove, lived through the epidemic and over half of the rest of Sydney's indigenous were killed.
    Picture of Smallpox
  • Time Passes, Incidents Occur

    Time Passes, Incidents Occur
    Over the next few decades a colony arrises in Camp Cove and the Sydney region, the colony is led by Governor Arthur Phillip, several indigneous even live with the English but continued tensions and the English hunting the land create many small skirmishes and massacares, hundreds, if not thousands of Aborignals are killed.
    Picture of English and Aboriinals together
  • Tasmania is Doomed

    Tasmania is Doomed
    Englishmen in Tasmania are given the permission to shoot the tasmanian aborignals on sight.
    Picture of an Englishmen with the Tasmanian Aboriginals before the Shoot in Sight law was enplaced.
  • Cricket

    The first ever Australian cricket team. It is entireley composed of Aboriginals but there is no significant historic writings of the team.
  • No More Tasmania

    No More Tasmania
    The last Tasmanian Aboringal, Turgani, dies.
    Picture of Turgani and the last four Tasmanian Aboringals.
  • Evidence

    Archeological Evidence of the Aboringals being in Australia for over 20,000 years is found.
    Picture of Aboriginal Cave Paintings
  • The Stolen Generation

    The Stolen Generation
    The English are given permission to steal aboriginal children from thier parents and indoctrinate them into thier own world, making them 'civilised' was the English's justification for it.
    Picture of a camp of Stolen Generation Children.
  • War

    World War II begins and even though Aboriginals are not recognised as citizens they are stll conscripted to fight and two units entirley composed of Aborignals are sent to fight in The Pacific and Europe.
    Picture of
  • An End to Suffering

    An End to Suffering
    This is the official date that the Stolen Generation ended. Although it was made illegal to do so some kiddnappings still took place for several years.
    Picture of more Stolen Generation Children
  • Oldest Culture Ever?

    Oldest Culture Ever?
    On November 2nd, 2000 archeological evidence (simliar to the evidence found in 1901) was discovered which leads back to over sixty thousand years ago, making them if not the oldest then one of the oldest culutes in the entie world.
    Picture of the Evidence
  • We are Sorry

    We are Sorry
    On February 13th a formal apology to the indigenous was released by the new Prme Minister Kevin Rudd, he personaly apoligised for the Stolen Generation.