
The First Administration

  • Period: to

    The First Administration - Alayna Dunham

  • Election of George Washington

    This Election was the first election in American history.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion was when the people revolted against the tax on whiskey.
  • Jay’s Treaty

    Was Made to resolve the differences between the Brittish and the United States. It is also known as the Treaty of London.
  • Pinckney’s Treaty

    It gave american citzens free acsess to the Misssissippi river. It also established a freindship with Spain.
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    It is a letter written the first president (Goerge Washington) to the people of the United States.
  • XYZ Affair

    The U.S started to have touble with France.
  • 1798 VA and KY Resolutions

    Was when legislatures of Virginia and Kentucky would protest against the Alien and Sedition Acts. It was written by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.
  • Naturalization Act

    It was the first law pasted by the Congress that attepted tp regulate on a national level. It was made to increase the residents requirments for American citizens.
  • 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts

    It passed 4 laws to strengthen the federal government. The laws were passed to aviod a war with France.
  • Election of Thomas Jefferson

    During this election vice president, Thomas Jefferson defeated John Adams. He became the 3rd president of the United States of America.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The expedition commissioned by President Jefferson and led by Lewis and Clark to explore the Pacific of U.S. That was the first overland expedition to the Pacificn of U.S. and back.
  • Twelfth Amendment

    It requires seppurate electoral for the president and the vice president. It also provides procedure by which the president and the vice president are elected.
  • Election of James Madison

    The election was won by a democraticn- republican, James Madison. James Madison became the 4th president of the United States of America.
  • “The Star-Spangled Banner"

    The Star-Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key. It is now the national anthem of the United States.
  • Hartford Convention

    It was a meeting of New England Federalist the war of 1812 and political problems arising from the domination of the Federal Government by Presidents from Virginia.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    It was signed in Ghent (which is modern day Berlin). It was the peace treaty to end the 1812 war.
  • 1815 Battle of New Orleans

    This was the last major battle of the war of 1812. The Americans won.
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty

    Was a treaty between the U.S and Britain. It provided for a large demilitarization of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain where many British naval arrangements and forts still remained.