The fault in our stars

The Fault In Our Stars

By Una
  • The Support Group

    The Support Group
    Because Hazel feels guitly for not wanting to do anything, other than reading the same book over and watching America`s Next Top Model, she agrees to attend a support group with other people with cancer.
  • Hazel Meets Augustus

    Hazel Meets Augustus
    Augustus and Hazel meet outside of The Heart Of Jesus after the meetning. Hazel is charmed by his looks and personality. Although the impression is ruined when Augustus takes a sigarett out of his pocket. When Augustus explains the methaphore; "They don't kill you unless you light them. And I've never lit one. It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing."
  • Hazel Goes To Augustus` House

    Hazel Goes To Augustus` House
    Even if she does not know Augustus, she agrees to go home with him and watch V For Vendetta. She is also introduced to his parents and the Encouragements his parents puts out.
  • August Reads "An Imperial Affliction"

    August Reads "An Imperial Affliction"
    At Augustus place they enter a compromise, they agree to read each other favorite books. Unorthodoxly for cancer kids, Hazels favorite book is about a girl with cancer. The Imperial Affliction is the only book about cancer that knows how it is to be dying. WIthout actually having done it. Augustus likes more blood and action than that, but is still facinated by this book.
  • Contacting Peter Von Houten

    Contacting Peter Von Houten
    Hazel has tried to contact Peter von Houten many times before. Not once has he replied. So Augustus manages to find Peters assistans email. He gets a repy and chare the email with Hazel.
  • The Reply

    Augustus gets a reply from the otherwise socially timid author. He tells them that the only possibility for him to give them any anwsers is for them to come to Amsterdam and visit.
  • Augustus Uses His Wish

    Augustus Uses His Wish
    While Hazel used her wish from The Ginie Fundation to go to Disney Land at age thriteen. Augustus still has not used his wish. So he uses his wish for Hazel and to travel to Amsterdam with her.
  • The Setback

    The Setback
    A little past 4 am Hazel woke up with an acute headache and screamed to wake her parents up. She woke up at the ICU and they found out that all the minor pain she had experienced was because of the one and a half litre she had in her lungs and not new tumor. This of course is a obsticle for Augustus and Hazels trip to Amsterdam.
  • The Meeting With Peter Von Houten

    The Meeting With Peter Von Houten
    Hazel and Augustus is really excited for this meeting. Although the mood quickly changes when they realise Peter never thought they would travel that far. He refuses to give up any answers and is rude and inpolite. Augustus, Hazel and Peters assistant end up leaving in a quite angry mood.
  • The Rediscovered Cancer

    The Rediscovered Cancer
    On the last day of their Amsterdam trip, Augustus takes Hazel to her room, the Kierkegaard-room. He tells her about how his cancer was redicovered after he felt a sharp pain in his hip.
  • Augustus`Trip

    Hazel gets a phone call from Augustus in the middle of the night. He went out to buy his own sigarettes, beacuse this last pack dissapeard. Hazel drove out to find Augustus sitting in his own puke with a g-tube wich is infected. She has no choice but to call the ambulance.
  • The Pre-Memorial

    The Pre-Memorial
    On Augusts last good day, he invites Hazel and Isaac to a pre-memorial. Both Isaac and Hazel hold a speech for Augustus. Hazel speaks about how she is grateful for their limited infinity.
  • Augustus Death

    Augustus Death
    Augustus died eight days after the pre-memorial. Surrounded by his family, while sleeping. Hazel recives a call from Augustus mother and then she started crying.
  • Augustus`Funeral

    The reason she does not hold the same speech here and in the pre-memorial is because while the pre-memorial is for Augustus. And to reassure him of his importance to her, while the funural is for the living Hazel concludes. And therefore the speech in the funural is to support Augustus parents and family.
  • Hazel Reads Augustus`Letter

    Hazel Reads Augustus`Letter
    Before Augustus died he wrote a letter to Peter von Houten. And at Augustus funeral Hazel gets to read it. It asks for Peter to write an endig to Hazel. The book ends with the last line of his letter.