The Dynasties of Ancient China

By Che'
  • 206

    Qin Dynasty Ends

    King Shihuang at the time became obsessed with immortality that he went on quests to obtain the elixir of life.
  • 221

    Qin Dynasty Begins

    It was the first imperial dynasty of China. During its reign over China, the Qin Dynasty achieved increased trade, improved agriculture, and military security. This was due to the abolition of landowning lords, to whom peasants had formerly held allegiance. The central government now had direct control of the masses, giving it access to a much larger workforce. This allowed for the construction of ambitious projects, such as a wall on the northern border, now known as the Great Wall of China.
  • 475

    End of Zhou Dynasty

    The state of Qin won against states to gain supreme power. Qin won eventually.
  • 500

    Confucius spreads views

    Confucius spreads his views on good living
  • Jan 1, 1122

    Shang Dynasty Ends

    The cycle of founding of a dynasty by a great king and ending a dynasty with the ousting of an evil king continued with the Shang Dynasty. The final, tyrannical king of the Shang is commonly called King Zhou. He killed his own son, tortured and murdered his ministers and was overly influenced by his concubine.
    The Zhou army defeated the last king of the Shang, whom they called the Yin, at the battle of Muye. The Yin king immolated himself.
  • Jan 1, 1122

    Zhou Dynasty Begins

  • Mar 13, 1267

    Mongols take control of China

  • Mar 13, 1368

    Min Dynasty Begins

  • Manchus begin ruling China, Min Dynasty Ends, Qing Dynasty Begins

  • Shang Dynasty Begins

    During this 400 year period of history, Chinese tradition states that 30 separate kings ruled from a succession of 7 different capitals. Only a few of these capitals have been located and excavated by archeologists. The last capital from which this dynasty ruled was located in 1899, and was the first Shang Dynasty capital to be found and studied.
  • Qing Dynasty ends

  • Sui Dynasty Begins

  • Sui Dynasty Ends & Tang Dynasty Begins

  • Tang Dynasty Ends

  • Song Dynasty Ends