
The Dead and The Gone By Susan Pfeffer

  • Sources

  • Work

    Alexander works in the local pizza place. He tries to save up the money from his job for college. While he is working he is notified about the moon being strucked by an astroid.
  • Alex comes home

    Alexander comes home just to hear terrifying news. The lights are off all around the city with no eletrcitiy whatsoever. He gets home to both of his little sisters Bri and Julie who are also terrified because their mother is presumed dead where she works. Their father is also presumed dead because he was in Puerto Rico attending the children's grandma's funeral.
  • Church

    In this book the church gets involved in many siuations. Alexander is forced to descied what's best for his sister. Either having her stay home with barely any supplies or sending Bri off to be a nun with many nesecities. He finally decides that sending her off and staying with just his youngest sister Julie would be the best choice.
  • Out of supplies

    Alex and Julie struggle in getting food, water, and the ability to stay healthy. New York wasn't home for them anymore. One of Alex's dearest friends known as Kevin Daley gives them his father's number because Kevin knew that his father had a way out of all of this hourrendous situation. Alex called Kevin's father and he gave him three tickets for Alex and Julie and Kevin. They thought they were saved.
  • Kevin dies and Bri comes back

    When later that week they go down to a charity type store to get supplies Kevin has a tree falls on him and he was not able to breathe and Alex didn't have the strength in him to get it off him and she sadly passes away. Later that week Bri comes home because the nuns don't have the supplies to keep her there.
  • Bri dies

    As Bri gets home supplies begin to run out quickly. But luckily Alex still had the three tickets Kevin's father gave him. When they prepare for the trip to safety Bri uses an elavator that works only sometimes considering the electricity rarely worked. Bri gets stuck in there and passes away. There was nothing Alex and Julie could of done.
  • End

    The story ends with Alex and Julie missing the bus so the tickets he had had no more use. They now had to struggle for survival and are forced to find a new place.