The Coming of the Civil War

  • Free-Soil Party

    Free-Soil Party
    This group and supporters of Wilmot Proviso cam up to form the Free-Soil Party. This pledged to a "national platform of freedom" that would "resist the agressions of the slave power," New Yorker Martin Van Buren was voted to be candiate for President. This party promised "free soil,free speech, free labor,and free men." This was supporting to the abolitionist of the North to get rid of slavery.
  • Know Nothing

    Know Nothing
    At the time a growing immigrant population was dramatically changing the country.The people did not know whether the immigrants would take their jobs or become paupers and weigh down society. This created the anti-immigrant movement "Know-Nothing". This group members were against the immigrants but when asked about it they would say "I dont know" which led to their group name. This was an idea of sectionlism that would lead to a bigger group.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This agreement calling for the admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Also banning slavery in the Lousiana purchase territory. This compromise fixed the crisis at first but expose the growing divison between North and South.
  • Gag Rule

    Gag Rule
    Since many problems and riots were taking place about slavery and working with African Americans. Most white northerns disliked southerns, amd did not want to create problems with the African Americans either. Northerners wanted to stay out the the controversy about slavery, creating the Gag Rule. A law prohibiting debate about slavery and passed for 8 years.This is post poning what could have helped free slaves earlier.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    Northen abolitionists and free slaves risked their lives and saffety to help enslaved people escape. These people had safe spots, and would keep slaves in their wagons, boats, and attics. They would also go in at night and take some of the slaves and release them to freedom. If you were caught you could be heavily fined or imprisoned for several years.This chain of people helped save so many slaves but also could lead to violence.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    One of the most courageous Underground Railroad conductors. She was born a Maryland slave. She escaped by herslef in 1849 and had guided over hundreds of slaves, including her own parents to safety. Helping so many slaves escape a life of torture. She helped slavery and how to stop it by going against the laws that were placed.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was a political agreement that allowed California to be admitted as a free state by allowing popular soverighnty in the territories and enavting a stricter fugitive law. Many argued againt this such as William Seward, that God's "higher law" against slavery was more important than popular sovereignty or national unity. This was a big movement with State's Rights and Slavery. That a state was to enter as free with slaves.
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    This act was issued to make sure no slaves could get away. This law required private citizens to assit in returning run away slaves and return them to their owners. If one was caught assiting a fugitive slave they could be fined or imprrisoned. This act was making sure that slavery stayed and so did the slaves.
  • Personal Liberty laws

    Personal Liberty laws
    Many northerns were enraged when the Fugitive Slave Act passed not only the abolitionists but the northeners who felt they were being forced to be apart. Well a group thought that the increasing federal intervention in the affairs of the independent states. They decided to act back by passing the Personal Liberty Laws that allowed the state to arrest slave catchers for kidnapping. This was slowly trying to put a hault on slavery.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Harriet published "Uncle Tom's Cabin" a powerful condemnation of slavery. This book had real experiences of slavery for those who did not know the reality of slavery. Selling over 300,000 copies in the first year the vovel spread compassion for enslaved people in the North, people in the South were furious. This helped the let people know slavery and hopefully to lead pro-slavery supporters to change.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    With the pressure of the South,they feared that Nebraska might decide to enter as a free state.The sentor Douglas amended the bill to divide the region into two different territories, Kansas and Nebraska. That way Kansas would become a slave state and Nebraska would become a free state.Although none of these assumptions were written in the bill.Northerens did not agree with this,they believed that did nothing to stop the spreading of slavery in land that had been free for 30 years.State Right's.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Border Ruffians raided the antislavery town of Lawrence, Kansas. Burning homes,businesses, Free State Hotel, and the presses of the " Kansas Free State Newspaper". John Brown a abolitionist who moved around to confront slavery dead on. When Ruffian came he thought it was the perfect chance. After gathering his sons and other abolitionists they killed 5 settlers. When the story got to the East they were enraged about the events that lead to Brown's massacre.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    A missouri slave that had been enslaved on free soil and decided to sue for his freedom. This case was rare a slave going against his owner in the court of law. This case was taken to the supreme court where they ruled it as slaves are not a citizen so he was denied. The fact that he had people standing behind him was a big factor in the future of slavery. The case could later influence different cases regarding slavery.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown was a huge abolitionist who decaded his life to spread the idea of anti-slavery. Helping in the Underground Railroad for decades before taking violet action to support his beliefs. Angered after the Free Soil Party, Brown and his four sons took action. They started a group of abolitionists and went into a rage. The group killed many slave owners and settlers. This shocked the American society that a white man was wanting to save these people against slavery.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln won the election against four other candiates.The main focus of the election was the future of slavery.Since Lincoln was a Republican many of the southern states feared and he would abolish slavery for all the states and force it upon them, which the south was already upset since the north were the only one to vote for him. Creating sectionalism between the North and South.This lead to a revolt.A month after Lincoln took office South Carolina fired launch on the Union's Fort Sumter.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    Kentucky senator John Crittenden proposed a amendent that would allow slavery in western territories south of the Missouri Compromise line. He also had federal funds to reimburse slaveholders for unreturned slaves. This lead to the Civil War by creating more selection between the North and South. With slaves in one state and not in the other lead to extremely different beliefs.