Instasize 2014 10   263854

The Color Purple

  • Exposition

    Celie is born into slavery, to make matters worse she is a young woman with no rights, she is helpless from the men and the (authority) they believed to attain. She has been bullied her whole life, she is a victim to physical, verbal, and sexual abuse.Celie was left to believe that she had no voice, the men in her life achieved the goal of making her feel worthless.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Eventually Celie meets Shug when Mr.__ gives her(shug) a home for rehabilitation. She expands Celie's knowledge about God. Shug also helps Celie find her identity. In the process Shug assisted Celie in finding the letters from Nettie that Mr.__ has been trying to keep a secret. Shugs influences allow Celie find her voice and finally made Celie feel like a human being giving her self confidence and self worth.
  • Climax

    Following the self confidence that Shug had helped Celie find, Celie finally reached her limit with Mr.'s pride and verbally attacks him leaving everyone speechless. She then makes the decision to move to Tennessee with Shug, their she finds a talent for making pants and opens her own pants store. Mr. is left on his own to think about all the malevolent actions he has committed towards everyone(esp Celie).
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Celie goes back to Georgia with success only being one of her many new traits, but only to find that Mr.__ transformed himself from cruel and malevolent to understanding and open minded. After her biological Pa died she inherited the house in which she reunited with Nettie and her family. Celie finally felt happy at the sight of her long list sister Nettie
  • Conclusion

    The novel concludes with the description that Celie's life has never been better. She is surrounded by people who have the mutual feeling of love. Celie's life is at its height and only awaits to get better with this (new) family and especially rekindling the relationship between her and (sister)Nettie. Celie ends the novel with "and us so happy. Matter of fact, I think this the youngest us ever felt".