Bull run 1

The Civil War

By Tdodger
  • Lincoln Voted into office as President

    Lincoln Voted into office as President
    He won the elecdtoral collage but only had 1.9 million votes for him as president.
  • The confederacy was formed

    The confederacy was formed
    The cofereracy was formed by seven states. They plan for there own independent nation.
  • Inauguration of Lincoln

    Inauguration of Lincoln
    I did not know this fact but Lincoln was forced to ride into Wasington DC in a disguise. The country was about to chang forever.
  • Ft. Sumter

    Ft. Sumter
    Ft. Sumter was the site of the first battle of the Civil War.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    This was the first big battle of the war and the south beat back the north and sent the north back to Washington.
  • Monitor VS Merrimac

    Monitor VS Merrimac
    This was the first battle of iorn clad ships and it ends in a draw.
  • The battle of Shiloh

    The battle of Shiloh
    The north wins but with heavy loss of life on both sides. 13,000 Union and 11,000 South
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Union army seizes New Orleans and the south has 11 southern ships sunk.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Lee who was heavily out numbered was pushed back to Virginia. the loss of life was big over 23,000.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    With this speech he announces that all slaves in the rebelling states would be free by January 1, 1863.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    The north attacks the souths fortifed position and suffers 10,000 casualties to the souths 5,000.
  • Vicksburg

    After the north took Vicksburg it now controled the whole Mississippi River.
  • Getttsburg

    The biggent battle to date. over 165,000 solgers fought in the battle and when it was all over the cacualtie count was; 23,000 union and 28,000 Confederate casuaties.
  • Petersburg

    This battle went on for months. the troops lived in trenches that streched for 50 miles. General Grant was now leading the Union troops.
  • Atlanta to Savannah

    Atlanta to Savannah
    General Sherman took Atlanta and then destroys it. He then starts on a 300 mile march to the sea. The union army destroys everthing in it path to break the will of the southern people.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    General Lee surrenders to General Grant at the Appomattox court house in Virginia.