Civil war  title

The Civil War

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    USA begins
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Period: to

    Articles of Confederation

    Shay's Rellion
  • Constitutional Convention

  • Constitution

  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    The 3/5 Compromise:5 slaves would count as 3 people fo the purpose of representation. This debate ocurred because the Southern states had more slaves than the Northern. Because slave were inable to vote, they shouldn't be counted for the representation for Congress. Some people weren't able to have their way. They callled this a "Compromise" but some people didn't even want slaves to vote. People thought this was an unfair compromise.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    Bill of Rights
    In 1791 Congress made 10 additions to the Constitution. These additions were called ‘The Bill of Rights.” The Bill of Rights states the rights we have as Americans. The Bill of Rights allowed us to express our beliefs whether it was by speech, religion, etc. People weren't treated equally. It was an injustice. People such as slaves did not have the same rights as others. People wanted differnet things
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented something called a cotton gin. It was wooden box filled wired teeth. Whenever the box was filled with cotton the teeth would brush against the cotton and it leaves behind seeds. Before the crave for cotton farming slavery was beginning to die out. Since so many southerners had cotton farms they needed slaves. They depend on the slaves. Some people thought that was wrong. People sometimes did not have enough room to grow the valueables.
  • Period: to

    State's Rights

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    In the 1800's he forced Spain to go back to Lousiana. Napoleon planned to establish a white rule. He then planned to send an army to Louisiana. He had sent 34,000 men. The french had had a bad cse of yellow fever so their army was reduced to 4,000 men. Napoleon decided to back down and sell all of Louisiana. For 15 million dollars. This was called the "Louisiana Purchase." Jefferson bought the area. People believed that is was not right for a president to purchase land. People may have rebel.
  • Start of Nationalism

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    James Tallmadge wanted slavery to be band in Missouri. AMny southerners were angry about this because they relied on the slaves for cotton farming.They argued for moths. Henry Clay was the one who came up with a compromise.He suggested that Maine would become a free sate and Missouri a slave state. Thomas Jeffersont thought that sectionalism would tear the country apart. If he felt this way imagine how other's would have felt. Some probably agreed with Jefferson.
  • Doctrine of Nullification

    Doctrine of Nullification
    Congress had passed a high tariff that had made the southerners extremely mad. Voce preident John C. Calhoun loved South Carolina, to prevent people from leaving the Union he presented the doctrine of nullification. Congress said That Calhoun had no right to pass this law. Congress thought that it was unfair and not right for Calhoun to pass this law because it showed favoritism towards one state. Although he thought that this law was right it was utterly unfair to other states.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Southern states did not want Indians on "thier" land. They tried their hardest to remove the Indians. President Jackson had talked to congress about removing the Indians. Although many people protested, Congress passed the law . The Law stated that Indians east of the Mississippi river migrate west of it. This was extremely unfair. Indians didn't even have the right to object. They were forced. Not given a choice.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Turner was a slave and then became a preacher. He lead 60 slaves on a strike. They attacked several plantations. They were captured when amo ran out. Although Nat, was hung it inspired/ shocked the south. State legislaters passed many strict rules that made slave lose whatever freedom they had laft.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    The people who were against slavery were the antislavery society. There were more than 2000 groups across North America. The group inluded blacks and whites. These people helped slave escape using the underground railroad. Harriet Tubman helped conduct this. In the eyes of the people who owned these slaves, it was wrong for those people to help the slaves escape. It made the slave owners extremely angry since they were the ones who bought them.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    In 1846, the Mexican government claimed that their territory extended all the way to the Sabine River. That meant that they were claiming almost all of Texas. Mexico declared war to defend that claim. President Polk then ordered troops to fight in Rio Grande. Mexico crossed the river and attacked the American troops. Mexican troops had killed Americans on their own soil, their own ground. It outraged Polk and Congress had then declared war. Not all Americans agreed to this.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay presented a compromise. This compromise consists of letting California become a free state. The North and South hated the idea. They wanted to keep the balance between free-states and slave states. Daniel Webster had a speech. This was probably one of the most famous speeches ever. So famous and well spoken that the public urged Congress to vote for Clay's compromise. Although Henry Clay was doing this for the good of America and slaves, The people wanted to keep things fair.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Breecher had written and published a book called "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The book was about all kinds of hardworking slaves. Uncle Tom in particular. He was mistreated by his master. It also included a character named Eliza. This was a great story that touched the hearts of northerners. The book also opened the eyes of people who had not the knowledge of slavery. Southerners were really mad about the story so they had attacked the book. It made the South look bad.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Stephen Douglas wanted to have a railroad to run through Illinois city. But he knew that the rail road would run though the Great Plains territory. So, he proposed a new law, Kansas-Nebraska Act. Douglas wanted to create two brand new territories. These territories would lie north of the Missouri Compromise line.
    Some people saw this as a useful compromise other's not so much. Because the territories would have to choose whether or not it was a free state,people wanted it to be one or the other
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave. HIs master had taken him to Illinois and MInnesota. After his master died Scott had sued for freedom. His argument, living in a free country should qualify him as a free man. The court was being extremely bogus. They first had said that he was still a slave because he was not a citizen so he didn't have the right to sue. They had said that no one of African Acestry had the rights of citizenship according to the Constituion.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown made issues much worst. He decided to start a rebellion. With his 18 followers, he marched and attacked the Unite States arsenal. He thought that the arsenal would be a safe place to hide slaves. But he was wrong, there were only 5 survivors, he was then hanged. This problem probably made issues worst. It made others believe that something like this would happen again.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Election of !860 culd be viewed as two different races, North and South. In the North, the main candidates were LIncoln and Douglas. Lincoln was agaist slavery, and Douglas would look for a compromise. Lincoln was more popular than Douglas because people did not want anymore compromises. Lincoln won the most electoral votes. He was willing to fight for slaves rights. Other people were against him. They wanted to have slaves.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    USA vs C.S.A