The Civil Rights Movement

  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    Although most men in the military didn’t appreciate their help, black soldiers were allowed in the military.
  • Period: to

    The Civil Rights Movement

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Showed that segregating black students to different schools is unconstitutional.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    A young man visiting the south got beaten to death because he wasn’t aware of the way people were treated in the south.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa refused to get up from her seat to let a white person sit. She was trying to get rid of segregation on the buses.
  • SCLC

    African American Civil Rights organization that stills stands today.
  • Woolworth sit-ins

    Woolworth sit-ins
    Black protesters were trying to get rid of segregation by refusing to leave until they were served.
  • SNCC

    Group of students that organized several nonviolent protests and demonstrations.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Civil rights activists rode interstate buses into southern segregated communities to help show that the freedom laws need to be enforced.
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    He was a civil rights figure who was the first African American student to be admitted in the University of Mississippi or any college for that matter.
  • “Bull” Connor used fire hoses on black demonstrators

    “Bull” Connor used fire hoses on black demonstrators
    White men mistreating black demonstrators by using high powered fire hoses.
  • Letter from a Birmingham Jail

    Letter from a Birmingham Jail
    A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. that defends the strategy of nonviolent protesting against racism.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Recorded as the biggest political rallies for human and economical rights.
  • 16th Street Baptist Church bombing

    16th Street Baptist Church bombing
    A church that was bombed in act of white supremacist power and terrorism.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    Allows all to vote for free without being hassled for it.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    First nine black children in a white school. This shows that discrimination is starting to be demolished.
  • Murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner

    Murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner
    All three were civil rights workers who were at the time registering black people to vote. They went to investigate the burning of a church when they were arrested. They were soon released to the ku klux klan who murdered the three.
  • Civil Rights Act 1964

     Civil Rights Act 1964
    An act which outlawed discrimination towards racial, religious, ethnicity, and women no matter where it may be or what the situation is.
  • Malcolm X assassinated

    Malcolm X assassinated
    Malcolm X was a big protest for human rights
  • Civil Rights Act 1965

    Civil Rights Act 1965
    Prohibited discrimination in voting.
  • Los Angeles Race Riots 1965

    Los Angeles Race Riots 1965
    The most severe riot that took place in Watts neighborhood in LA which lasted for 6 days. It resulted in 34 deaths, 1032 injuries, 3,438 arrests, and over $40 million in property damage.
  • Executive Order 11246

    Executive Order 11246
    Prohibits federal contractors and federally-assisted construction contractors and subcontractors who do over $10,000 of Government business in a year from discriminating others judging by their race, religion, or sex.
  • Black Panthers founded

    Black Panthers founded
    A black socialist organization that lasted from 1966 to 1982. This organization's goal was to achieve notoriety, which they did by being involved in the black power movement and US politic.
  • Loving vs. Virginia

    Loving vs. Virginia
    Shows that people can fall in love no matter the race.
  • MLK is assassinated

    MLK is assassinated
    MLK was the prominent leader of the civil rights movement. He was assassinated at the Lorraine motel in Memphis Tennessee. A man by the name of James Earl Ray shot him and was sentenced to 99 years in prison.
  • Civil Rights Act 1968

    Civil Rights Act 1968
    An act that provided equal housing opportunities regarding race, ethnicity, or color.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    The British army shot 26 civil rights protesters and bystanders.
  • Congress passes civil rights restoration act

    Congress passes civil rights restoration act
    Congress passed the civil restoration act, overriding President Reagan's Veto. The act extended the reach of the non-discrimination laws.
  • Voting Rights Act 1991

    Voting Rights Act 1991
    Put more restrictions on those whom sued their employers for descrimination.
  • 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots

    1992 Los Angeles Race Riots
    Black activists committed crimes and captured a video of police brutality.
  • Edward Ray Killen is convicted of manslaughter

    Edward Ray Killen is convicted of manslaughter
    Former Ku Klux Klan member Edward Ray Killen is convicted of manslaughter at the age of 80.